Chapter One

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"Lieutenant Lightwood, we have a 10-30 in progress at Pandemonium. Officers are at the site now. Requesting backup immediately."

Alec picked up his radio. "10-4 on that. Backup is on the way."

Jace groaned, slapping down his cheeseburger back in its bag. "I literally just bit into this, Alec. I can never enjoy any food while on patrol when I'm with you."

"They don't pay us to sit in the squad car and eat, Jace. We're cops. We fight crime-don't put that on the floor! You'll get stains on it! Look, just eat it quickly and toss the bag into a trash bin when we reach the scene."

Jace did what he was told, quickly shoving the burger into his mouth. "That sucked. I didn't even taste it or remotely enjoy it."

Alec ignored him as he started up the squad car and turned on the sirens. When the sirens were going, he was all business.

Pandemonium had cop cars surrounding the entire entrance of the building when they pulled up. Alec could see his father, Robert, standing behind the door of his own vehicle with his gun out and pointed towards the front entrance.

"Dad-I mean, Commissioner Lightwood. What's going on?" Alec whispered as he approached his father by the squad car.

Robert sighed. "Robbery gone wrong. Call came in about ten minutes ago from a pedestrian outside. Shots were fired inside."

Alec took his gun out and clicked the safety off. "Hostages?"

Robert nodded. "No count yet, but we suspect ten or so. Mostly employees who work here. Where's Jace?"

Alec looked over his shoulder. His partner was nowhere to be seen. "Well, he was with me a second ago. He just ate a burger-"

"Typical Jace. Look, just keep an eye on the entrance for me, would you? I'm going to get a megaphone from one of the officers here. See if we can convince the moron who's got people inside to surrender. Stay here. That's an order," he clapped his son on the shoulder before going over to another officer and talking in a low voice.

Alec aimed his gun at the night club entrance and sighed. Where the hell was Jace? If he had actually gone and went looking for a trash bin for his garbage, then he was going to give him hell later. There was no time to be acting dumb. They were on the job.

Something at the side of the building caught his eye. Movement. Squinting under the sunlight, Alec focused on the figure moving alongside the club. After a few seconds of staring, his eyes grew wide when he realized what he was looking at.


He was climbing onto a garbage bin and reaching up for the open window above his head. Alec scrunched his face to keep from yelling out to his partner. What an idiot. Always sticking his neck out and risking getting shot or killed, or in Alec's mind, demoted.

Alec looked over his shoulder. No one was watching him. The officers on scene were all in their own little worlds as they poured over maps of the building and closed off the area to pedestrians. So he took a deep breath and snuck over to where Jace was.

"Idiot! What the hell are you doing?!" Alec hissed.

Jace jumped in fright, nearly toppling the trash bin he was standing on over. "Oh hey, partner. Here to lend a hand?"

"No. I'm here to drag you back to the car before you get us both killed. Or get the people inside killed."

"Relax, Alec. I know what I'm doing," Jace reached up for the window again. "This window leads to the supply room. The only thing we have to worry about in here are violent mops and cleaning supplies with a history of not doing their job properly."

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now