Chapter Twenty-Two

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Alec woke up with the sun shining directly on his face. It was a beautiful morning in New York for a change. Normally it was dull and dreary, the clouds a dark gray or often black and the rain pounding down on his windows. But today was different. It was if God finally said "you will be happy today, Alexander. You deserve it".

Beside him, Magnus groaned and stretched. "Well. What a beautiful sight to wake up to. Good morning, handsome."

"Morning," Alec leaned in and kissed him. "How was your sleep?"

"Fantastic. I slept easy for the first time in weeks. Sleeping next to you has that effect on me," Magnus smiled broadly at Alec's tousled bed head. "God, you're beautiful in the morning. And the afternoon. You're beautiful all day long."

"Stop it. It's too early for that," Alec yawned and stretched. One leg laid outside on top of the sheets while the other was being stroked by Magnus' toes under them. "Feel like moving today?"

"Fuck no. I'd stay here all day if that meant listening to that sexy deep sleepy voice of yours. Lord. Don't even get me started on your bare chest." Magnus felt along the ridges of Alec's abdomen. They shivered under his touch.

Alec squirmed under Magnus' fingers, ticklish. "Stop! That tickles!"

"Hush. You secretly like it," Magnus made a trail with his lips over Alec's collarbone and neck.

"Yup. You caught me. I secretly love being tickled-" Alec groaned as Magnus sucked on the side of his neck. "Fuck....fuck, that feels so good Magnus. Oh my god...."

Magnus smirked but said nothing. He'd been wanting to suck that glorious neck for ages now. Long and thick and he loved the way it moved every time Alec talked. The skin was soft and somewhat smooth; he could feel stubble growing just under Alec's jawline.

"We could stay in bed all day. I can think of a million and one ways to entertain you...." Magnus' lips eventually made their way up to Alec's.

"I have work, Magnus. We have to do recon this afternoon. Remember?" Alec ran a finger along Magnus' shoulder. "I'll buy you breakfast? Coffee?"

Chairman Meow jumped up on the bed and meowed, getting into the space between them (which wasn't much). He began to purr as he found a comfortable spot pressed up against Alec's chest, his eyes starting to droop.

"Cock blocker. Jesus. Can't I be happy too?!" Magnus grumbled. He poked Chairman on the belly and the cat meowed in protest. "I'm getting the feeling you like coming between us, you little furry demon spawn from Hell."

"Shh. Don't be mean to Chairman. He just wants cuddles too," Alec picked up Chairman in his hands and moved so that he was laying down on his back, Chairman on his chest. He kissed the cat's head and laughed when he got his nose licked.

Magnus rolled his eyes. "Whatever. While you two make out, I'm going to go take a shower. Hope everything goes well with the both of you."

Alec kissed the cat again. "Hear that?" He said to Chairman. "He gave us his blessing!"

"Fuck you," Magnus laughed, shutting the bathroom door behind him.


"What's with you this morning? You're practically glowing," Simon asked as he refilled the coffee maker with a fresh filter. "Did you and Magnus....."

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now