Chapter Twelve

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Magnus struggled with carrying Alec up to the loft but he didn't complain. The only thing he could think about was getting Alec in bed and his wounds cleaned; granted, he wasn't nurse of the year-hell, he wasn't even a nurse. But Alec needed help and there was no one else that could help him except himself.

"Okay. Okay....uh....water. Clean the wound. Dress it. Rub A5-35 on the bruises? I don't fucking know!" Magnus set Alec down on the bed and gripped his hair. "Oh, Alec. I don't know what to do....but I'll try. Okay? I'll try my best."

Alec lay unmoving on the bed as Magnus grabbed as many things as he could from the bathroom. Bandages, dressing, rubbing alcohol. Whatever he thought would help Alec. He even grabbed a strange smelling salve in a clear jar. It was a milky white color when he opened it up to have a look inside.

"Oh, shit. That smells-ugh!" Magnus gagged. "What the hell is this stuff? It better not be what I think it is....because that would be disgusting." He wet a facecloth under the running water in the kitchen before taking a seat beside Alec's bed, gently wiping the blood from his face. "You look like shit, just so you know. Not that it makes you any less beautiful or anything....because it doesn't."

Alec didn't answer. His breathing still sounded ragged and his chest rose and fell with difficulty. It went against every fibre in Magnus to not call an ambulance and get Alec the real help he needed. But Alec had told him no. He will listen to Alec.

"So....I'm going to tell you a little story since we're here. I'm not even sure if you can hear me but I'll tell you anyway. I wasn't always a con man, believe it or not. I had a job. I loved that job. I...worked as a makeup artist. Oh, please. Don't laugh. You might need me soon to cover the...." He sighed as he wiped more blood from Alec's face. "Anyway. Back to the story."

"I was 12 when I realized that I liked both guys and girls. I'm not even sure how it happened. I was watching tv one day while my parents were still at work and I saw the most beautiful young man appear on screen. He was beautiful. Blue eyes, hair like yours, tall and built. He was gorgeous. As soon as my parents came home, I told them what I saw on tv. I remember telling them that I think I liked boys as well as girls and my dad. He's a man, my dad. He yelled at me and beat me with his belt. Tried to 'beat the gay away' but it was ironic. I'm not gay. I'm bisexual. But he wouldn't listen to what I had to say."

Magnus dabbed Alec's face gently. Alec moaned softly, clutching the sheets underneath him and winced as Magnus wiped his eyebrow.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to hurt you. Got caught up in the moment....yeah. Um....anyway. I started dating this guy when I was 15. I can barely remember his name now. My dad found out and he just left. Claimed I was God's idea of a joke. Can you imagine? Your dad leaving all because you fell in love with the same gender as yourself. And he's not even that religious. Old bastard had an excuse every time my mom tried to get him to go to church. When he left I felt....a breath of fresh air. I felt free to date whoever I wanted. My mom was okay with it just as long as I stayed safe. At least I had her to support me."

Magnus opened the rubbing alcohol and dipped a cotton swab down into the bottle. "This is going to hurt like a bitch. Just letting you know now-"

Alec yelled as the swab touched the gash along his eyebrow. Magnus saw sweat beginning to form on his forehead the more he cleaned the wound there.

"Sorry. I'm not trying to hurt you. I hope you understand that," Magnus paused, looking at Alec's still face. "Look. There's something that I need you to understand. The kiss at the club last night....I knew what I was doing. I knew as plain as day what I was doing, Alec. My mind-my mind has never been more clear than when my lips were on yours. It was like my whole life suddenly fell in line and I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted you."

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now