Chapter Five

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"So I take it Jace won't be showing his pretty face here tonight?"

At the sound of Magnus' slurring voice, Alec checked the clock on the wall. The baseball game was long over by now and Jace hadn't shown up like he said he would. "I guess not. Game is over now."

Magnus giggled drunkenly. "Can you believe that he didn't even message you to say he won't be showing up? What a-" He burped. "Prick."

Alec rolled his eyes. "That's the vodka talking now. Not you."

"You don't know shit! You and your mop hair and Bambi eyes-" Magnus held Alec's face between his hands and squeezed. "You're beautiful. A modern day Adonis."

Alec moved out from between the hands that were holding his face. "Again. That's the alcohol talking. You won't remember any of this by morning."

Magnus said nothing. He was slumped on the couch, fast asleep. Much to Alec's delight, he snored softly.

Tossing a blanket over Magnus, Alec flicked off the living room light, stripped down to just his boxers and crawled into bed. He took out his phone and text Jace once he was under the covers.

|Alec: you awake?|

His phone dinged a minute later.

|Jace: I wasn't until you text me. Why?|

Alec scrunched his face and typed in a reply.

|Alec: why didn't you show up for the game tonight?|

Jace's reply was almost instant.

|Jace: sorry. Got held up|

Alec sighed heavily through his nose, annoyed at Jace's excuse.

|Alec: by held up you mean you got laid?|

|Jace: hey now. Don't get pissy at me. Clary was in the mood. What kind of boyfriend am I to deny my girl of her basic needs?|

|Alec: whatever. Just text me next time. Don't leave me hanging|

|Jace: you need to get laid, brother. Might help with that anger issue of yours|

Alec grunted and threw his phone with full force at the wall where it shattered into a million pieces. Magnus didn't even flinch from his drunken slumber. He snored even louder.

Alec rest his head on his pillow, staring up at the ceiling and sighing through his nose. Typical Jace. Always thinking with the wrong head. Getting laid was his answer to everything in life. To him, getting laid was something everybody should do on a regular basis. Like exercise.

Sighing one final time, Alec reached over to flick off his bedside light. He fell asleep to the sounds of Magnus and his drunken snores even though he couldn't sleep with noise. It was almost soothing knowing that someone was going to be there when he woke up in the morning.


There was nothing better in this world than waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Turning over onto his back, Alec took a deep breath through his nose and smiled. Isabelle must've came in when he was asleep and made some. It wouldn't be the first time she did this.

He got up from bed with a groan, rubbing his face with his hands before messing up his hair, which was now even more messy than before. There was already a mug down on the countertop for him when he walked into the kitchen, which was something Isabelle had never done before. He shrugged, brushing it off.

There was also a note on the counter. Picking it up, Alec read it out loud.

"Alec. Fresh coffee in the pot for you. Gone to get donuts from that adorable little cafe across the street. Be back in 20. MB."

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now