Author's Note

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Well holy hell. I managed to finish a full length, 25 chapter story in less than two months. This is crazy. I never write like this. To finish something like this so soon is nuts even for myself.

I can honestly say that this story stressed the hell out of me. I've threatened to quit at least seven times, threatened to delete it, threatened to drown it in the river where it would die and float out into the ocean but yet here we are. I didn't give up. I wanted to so bad but I didn't.

Even though I feel it's still kind of a crappy story, I still want to thank the people who supported me throughout (you know who you are), to those who commented on both here and AO3. Those who voted and whatnot. Thank you. You gave me the swift kick in the ass that I needed to get this job done. So I thank you. You're amazing.

As for the second book (it is a trilogy after all) I won't start it until the beginning of September. The first chapter is already finished believe it or not. The plot is planned, chapter one finished, but I won't actually be posting until sometime in September. I'll also be posting bonus chapters for this story every now and then (scenes I wanted to add in but didn't) so keep your eyes peeled for those little tidbits. I'll be working on other stories for now (all of them can be read if you go to my profile) but the more important thing is that I'm going to take a nice little break from stressful things. God knows I need it. So that's my plan for now.

So once again thank you for reading. Like I said even though it doesn't have a lot of reads, I'm still proud of what I've accomplished in such a short time.

Lots of love 😘

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now