Chapter Six

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Magnus was more than happy to lie next to Alec in bed. Of course he was. Who would be stupid enough not to? Alexander Gideon Lightwood (his middle name Magnus had discovered on Alec's driver's license) was, as Magnus had known from the moment he met him, a beautiful young man. Not just on the outside but on the inside too.

Although he had no complaints with Alec's outside. Curiosity got the better of him once Alec fell asleep and he let his eyes roam over the fallen detective's gorgeous body. From the way Alec wore his baggy clothes, one would never say he was muscular. His entire upper half was solid muscle and Magnus loved every inch of it. He had broad shoulders, a broad chest covered in chest hair that Magnus (shamelessly) wanted to lick. His six pack became more prominent whenever he breathed in, much to Magnus' delight, and it took every ounce of strength not to run a finger over them. His waist was narrowed as it disappeared into the low rise of his jeans, showcasing the arch above his hipbones. His happy trail screamed out for Magnus to touch it, but he refrained from doing so.

Magnus smiled to himself. He was sitting next to a god. Life couldn't get any better than it was right now. It was impossible. Unless Alec suddenly woke up and began to make out with him. That's the only thing that could make life so much better.

Beside him, Alec moaned softly and opened his eyes. "Oh. Hi. What time is it?"

Magnus peered at the clock on the wall. "Just a little after two. You were dead to the world for five hours. Had to check a few times to make sure you were still breathing."

"Haha. Very funny. How long were you sitting there?"

"All five hours."

Alec's eyes flew open. "Magnus! You didn't have to stay beside me the whole time! That's just.....unnecessary."

Magnus shrugged. "Too late now. It's done and over with. Someone had to make sure you didn't bleed through your bandage while your sister went to fetch the doctor. Chairman wasn't going to do it. Were you, daddy's little man?"

Chairman, propped up against Alec's right thigh, purred loudly at the mention of his name.

"See? He's very happy he didn't have to clean up your nasty blood. Such a diva," Magnus chuckled. "So how are you feeling now? Is the pain still there?"

"Not as much as it was earlier. Fuck....earlier it felt like someone took a fire poker and stabbed me with it. It hurt like hell. But now...." Alec took a deep breath. "It's easing up a bit. Not so bad."

The elevator opened and Isabelle stepped out, a tall man following behind her. Magnus nearly purred himself when he saw who he assumed to be Dr. Garroway. Muscled and well built, Dr. Garroway looked like someone straight out of the cheesy soap operas on tv. He was a beautiful man, skin smooth and the color of Hershey dark chocolate, and gentle brown eyes that took in Alec's injury as he got closer.

"Hey, kiddo. How you feeling?" Garroway's voice was rich and deep as he spoke.

"I got shot, Luke. I'm about as good as a shot person is going to get," Alec winced as Luke peeled off his bandage. "Isabelle patched me up earlier. It's a wonder I didn't bleed to death."

Isabelle glared at him. "Is that an insult or a compliment? If it's an insult, I can always shoot you again with daddy's gun-"

"Kids. Please. Let's get serious for a moment. You can settle the dispute later....." Luke examined Alec's wound carefully with experts eyes and hands. "Well from the looks of it, the bullet didn't damage any major arteries or organs. But just to be safe, I want to get an MRI done. Just to be on the safe side."

"Will I have to go to the hospital for that?" Alec whispered so that only Luke could hear.

"Nope. Thanks to modern technology, I have a portable MRI right here. Never leave without it," Luke smiled.

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now