Chapter Seventeen

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His phone rang twice before he picked it up.

"What is it now?" He grumbled.

"Sir. It's regarding the raid. There's been some.....complications."

He rolled his eyes. "What kind of complications?"

"Well, some of the Downworlders escaped. And there were two cops there as well."

The chair creaked as he quickly leaned forward. "Did you see their faces?"

"No sir. But we know one was really tall with black hair. He wasn't alone. The other man he was with was a little bit shorter and with dark hair. Didn't see their faces. We just know that one was a cop."

Once again, the chair he was sitting in squeaked as he rose to his feet to look out the window. "Did you see where they went?"

"No sir. It was pretty crazy with all the gunfire and the crazy homeless people running around like chickens with their heads cut off."

He sighed. "Very well. Keep tabs on the Downworlders. Those cops might go back to them for more information. If they know what to do."

"Right, sir. Of course. I'll call if there's any further information."

"Of course you will. You know what will happen if you don't." He hung up the phone and yelled, throwing the phone against the wall in frustration. Sitting back down into the old leather chair, he felt the silver ring on his left hand, a large letter M in the center of it.


The entire precinct was decorated when Alec went in the next morning. Turns out, his promotion ceremony was today (with no heads up at all about it) and he didn't even have a speech prepared. He'd seen tons of cops at ceremonies with his father as a kid. Words were exchanged, a new badge was given, then the person getting the promotion says a few words themselves.

"What's with the decorations? Someone's birthday?" Magnus tapped a balloon floating beside Alec's desk with a finger.

"Magnus. Honestly. How many birthdays have you been to that had a banner that said 'Congrats On Your Promotion'?"

Magnus shrugged. "I've seen worse. Went to a funeral with a banner that said 'Life Is Beautiful! It's A Girl!'"

Alec rolled his eyes. "You're not helping. Although that is pretty funny. God rest that person's soul, but that is funny."

Jace collapsed in his chair across from Alec. He didn't look overly pleased about the ceremony interfering with work. "Did dad tell you the ceremony was today at dinner last night?"

Alec scoffed. "Dad and I didn't exactly get around to talking much."

"Shit. That doesn't sound good. What happened? More drama? Izzy drop out of school?"

"No," Alec shook his head. "I.....came out last night."

Jace was quiet for a moment. "How'd they take it?"

Alec looked up at their father's office window and saw Robert looking out at him. As soon as he made eye contact, Robert quickly looked away and closed the shades in the window. "Not well, judging by how he can't even look me in the eye. He must hate me. Mom too."

Jace frowned and pat him on the leg. "I, for one, am very proud of you. Fuck what other people think. Your siblings got your back, big bro. Don't let anyone else try to bring you down because I'll take them down."

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now