Chapter Ten

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Pandemonium wasn't at all what Alec expected on a Friday night. For starters, it was crowded, and he didn't do well with crowds. Secondly, the lineup went around the corner of the block which was much too long for his taste. As patient of a person as he was, he wasn't about to spend an hour in line for something that was already arranged at 2 in the afternoon tomorrow.

"How long are we going to have to wait in line?" Jace yelled over the noise.

"Jace, please. I'm the owner of the damn club. We're not waiting in any line." Magnus pushed ahead of the crowd. "Follow me, boys! I'll show you what VIP is like when you're with Magnus Bane!"

Alec scoffed. "If he keeps referring to himself in third person all night, I'm walking out into traffic."

"Don't be so dramatic. VIP isn't a bad thing. We could get free drinks!" Jace shimmied his way past a girl with purple dreadlocks.

"Jace, we're on the job. We can't be drinking. It'll impair our judgment."

Jace looked back over his shoulder at him. "You're no fun at all."

They finally made their way to the front of the line. Magnus was speaking with a huge bouncer with muscles bulging out of his black t-shirt. Once he saw Jace and Alec, he nodded and moved out of the way for them to pass by. The crowd behind them protested angrily.

"See? I can work magic here. It helps being the head honcho of New York's finest club," Magnus winked at Alec. "Who's up for a drink?"

"I am. I'll have two shots of-what's the best drink you have?" Jace yelled over the music.

Magnus pointed to a name on the menu. "Demon Poison. Not actually poison, mind you. But one shot alone will knock you off your feet. Dare to try it?" He watched as Jace tilted his head as he took the shot, gasping and coughing. "You're tougher than you look, Blondie. What about you, Alec? Shot?"

Alec looked down at the dark green liquid in his glass as Magnus slid one down to him. "I don't think this is a good idea. We have work tomorrow. I'd like to be sober for it."

"Come on, bro. One shot. Or two. It's not gonna hurt anyone. What dad doesn't know, won't kill us," Jace snatched another shot and drank it. "Whoo! Oh shit. I love this song. I'm gonna go dance! If you see me dancing with random girls, don't tell Clary!"

Alec made a move to stop him but he was too late. Jace was already making his way to the dancefloor, shaking his arms to the beat of the music as he walked away. "I really don't think this is a good idea, Magnus. You've never seen Jace drunk before. It's not pretty."

Magnus burped. "You know what's pretty? You." He poked Alec in the chest. "You're very pretty. You have nice eyes. I like hazel."

Alec leaned away. "You're drunk already? What the hell do they put in these drinks? Fairy dust?" He jumped in surprise when Magnus shoved a drink in his face. "I don't-I don't drink, Magnus-"

"Drink it. It'll relax your nerves. Maybe even make you brave enough to dance."

Alec peered at the liquid again, sighing heavily. "Fine. Just one drink."

Magnus smirked as he watched Alec tilt his head back and take the shot, his Adam's apple bobbing attractively as he swallowed. When he came down from the shot, his face screwed up in disgust. "Come on. It wasn't that bad! Was it?"

Alec coughed. "No. It was awful. It tasted like shit. What's in it?"

The song changed to a heavy beat as Magnus grabbed Alec's arm. "Demon poison. Remember? Now come on. We're dancing."

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now