Chapter Two

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"You morons! Idiots! Do you not realize what you've done today?!"

Back at the station, Alec winced at the sound of his father's angry voice as he was lectured about following the rules. He felt as if he were a kid again, getting yelled at for doing something he shouldn't have done.

"With all due respect, Commissioner, we went inside the club with full intentions of doing what you were too scared to do. You were sitting outside doing nothing," Jace said. "Plus we got the job done. No one was hurt. Unless you count the perp who robbed the place to begin with."

Alec nudged his partner under the table with a foot. He couldn't talk to the Commissioner like that! Nobody could! Even if his father did have a soft spot for Jace, it still didn't look good to be talking back to the head honcho like this. When Jace messes up, it was usually Alec who took the punishment. It's been that way since they were kids.

Robert stared at Jace, eyes hard and cold. "You. Get out of my office. Start writing up the report of today's incident. I want that on my desk before you leave this precinct today."

Jace nodded. "Yes sir." He gave Alec a small smile before leaving the office.

When the door clicked shut behind Jace, Alec had never felt more alone in this office now that he was gone. This could go either way with his father. He could either give Alec a lecture about obeying the law, or he could just brush it away like dust on the floor.

"Alexander. What the hell happened out there today?" Robert asked.

Alec sighed. "Dad. I am so sorry about Jace's behaviour. I told him this was a bad idea but he wouldn't listen to me. So I just....I went along with it. I realize that it was a mistake now. I really do-"

He was cut off as his father raised a hand. "Alec. The man you brought in today. You know who he is, right?"

"Magnus Bane. That's what he told me his name was."

Robert nodded. "Yes, that is his name. But do you realize who he is? What his crimes are?"

Alec shook his head. "No. I don't."

Robert pulled out a case file and handed it to him. "Take a look at his file. We've been tracking him for three years now. We've never actually been able to pin anything on him until now. You brought in a criminal that even my best boys failed to do."

Alec flipped through the file. Black and white photos of Magnus being handed money jumped out at him more than any other photo. "So.....what? He's a con man?"

"You bet your ass he's a con man. Best this state has ever seen. I've been told he's quite persuasive in the art of getting what he wants. Has he said anything to you? Anything out of the ordinary?"

I'll admit that I'm undeniably attracted to you right now

Alec swallowed nervously. "No. Nothing. He's not much of a talker when he's around me." That's a complete lie Alec thought to himself.

Robert chuckled. "That's because he knows you're a good cop. Nobody talks when they're in the presence of true authority. You intimidated the bastard." Robert got to his feet to come around the front of his desk, sitting down at the corner of it. "Listen, kiddo. What you and Jace did today was out of line. You went against strict orders."

Alec looked down at his shoes. "Yes, sir."

"That's why I'm promoting you."

"Yes, sir-wait. What?!"

Robert laughed. "Did you think I was demoting one of my best officers? You're a Lightwood. A legacy. Your name will be passed down through many generations and everyone who hears it will know it."

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now