Chapter Fifteen

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"You're a cook and you don't know how to make a pie?"

"There's a lot of things I don't know how to do but as far as I'm concerned, I know a hell of a lot more than what you do AND I'm holding a butter knife. Judge me again, Lightwood. Just try it." Magnus looked up from the box he set on the counter and glared at Alec. "Is there anything else you wish to add while you're just standing there?"

Alec raised in hands. "Sorry. I'll leave you to it, then. I have to shower anyway. I feel like crap."

"You look like it too but that can't really be fixed," Magnus said as he took out a pie pan from the cupboard. "Take your time. I'm just going to leave this pan out so I can heat up our premade pie later when it's almost time to go."

Alec chuckled. "My dad is going to know that's a premade pie, you know. He's not stupid."

"Never said he was. He'd much rather have this pie than a pie made by yours truly. It would be a disaster-go shower! For the love of god. Too many people in the kitchen...."

Alec rolled his eyes. Magnus reminded him of his mother whenever she was in the kitchen. She hated having people in there when she was trying to cook. She would almost bite the heads off anyone who set foot in the room while she was in there.

He went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him to prepare his shower. There was a system he used when he showered. Lather, wash, rinse, repeat. Twice for good measure and for a better smelling body. He never admitted this to anyone but he loved the smell of lavender soap and that's exactly what he used to wash himself. He smelled like a fresh garden when he stepped out of the hot shower.

The hot water felt soothing on his cuts and bruises. Alec lathered up some body wash in his hand and rubbed it over his body; first his neck and shoulders, down over his chest and stomach, down to his-

He froze as he felt something brush up from behind him. A hand snaked around his waist and felt his abdomen and chest.

"M-Magnus? What are you doing?" Alec croaked.

Magnus said nothing as his hands explored up and down the entire length of Alec's body, giving him goosebumps regardless of the hot water pouring down them like rain. A small moan escaped Alec's throat as Magnus moved his hands down even lower-

"Alec! Where do you keep your cinnamon? I might sprinkle a bit on for an extra kick of flavor!" Magnus called out from the kitchen.

Alec jumped in surprise, nearly slipping in the shower. The hands he felt on his body seconds ago disappeared but the after effect remained. "Uh.....try the cupboard above the fridge! Should be some there!" He groaned as he looked down at his hard on. It was throbbing with a giant pulse.

"Got it! Does your dad like cinnamon?" Magnus yelled again.

Alec swore under his breath as he switched to cold water to kill his boner. He shivered. "I don't know! Maybe? Just-just let me shower in peace!"

Once he was finished (and his dick was finally under control) he stepped out and dried himself off in record time. Magnus was sweeping the floor when he stepped back out into the kitchen again, humming a song. Chairman was watching him sweep, swatting a paw at the broom whenever it came near him.

"I was starting to wonder if you slipped and went down the drain," Magnus chuckled. "Everything okay in there?"

Alec's mouth went dry thinking about Magnus feeling his body. "Y-yeah. Fine. Got soap in my eyes. Hurt like a bitch. But I'm fine. Is the pie done?"

"Done? I didn't do anything to it," Magnus said as he put away the broom. "I'm heating it up in the oven before we go. Give it that 'freshly baked' appeal to it. Plus a hint of cinnamon should do the trick. Your family will be tripping over their feet."

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now