Bonus Chapter 5

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This takes place right before Alec and Jace break into Pandemonium in the first chapter. This is what happened to Magnus

"Come on. You don't really mean that. I didn't worm my way into owning this club just so you could go and quit on me."

Magnus was watching as employees were packing their belongings as he spoke. None made eye contact or spoke a word to him but there was nothing to say. They knew he made a deal with the old owner and conned his way out of it.

"Guys. Seriously. Think of all the money we can make with new management. New music. Hot people serving drinks. Your boss isn't an old fart now. He's young. I mean, have you looked at me? I'm straight up gorgeous." He flicked a strand of hair off his forehead to emphasize what he was saying. "Is there any way I can convince you not to quit?"

The employees weren't budging. No one was going to speak up and say no, so Magnus had to change his game plan. When all else fails, flash your money around.

"I'll give everyone a raise if they stay. Fifty dollars an hour. Sounds tempting, huh?" He knew it was tempting. He could see the gears clicking inside their greedy little heads as they considered his offer. "I'll even throw in free drinks for employees if you happen to come in the club on your day off. You can't possibly say no to that." The front door opened and a man dressed in all black with a mask strolled in. Magnus sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry but we're closed-"

"Everyone down on the ground! Get down or I'll start shooting!" The man cried, a gun in his hand. "Who's in charge here? Who's the owner of this place?!"

Everyone looked at Magnus, who felt instantly betrayed by his coworkers. "I am. I'm the new owner. Look, whatever you want I'll give you. Just don't hurt these people-"

"You're damn right you're giving me what I want. I want all the money in the safe and the cash register. Every dollar. Every cent. Not a coin left behind," the man pressed the barrel of the gun against Magnus' forehead. "And you're to give it all to me, aren't you Glitter?"

"Sure. Why don't you steal everything we have in our pockets while you're at it?" Magnus said sarcastically.

The masked man laughed. "That's a good idea! Everyone your pockets now! Do it! Or I'll start shouting!"

A gunshot rang out and everyone screamed and glared at Magnus, probably hating him even more than they already did. Magnus cringed. He shouldn't have said a word.

"Put everything you own in this bag. Jewelry, cell phones, anything valuable. It's now mine," the masked man spat. "Come on, I don't have all day!"

Magnus emptied his pockets all except for his dragon ring, which he loved more than anything else in the world. If he parted with this, he'd surely die. That's how close he felt to it.

" here's comes the easy part. Lead me to the vault, Glitter. And no one will get hurt."

Magnus scoffed. "Why rob a nightclub? Why not a bank instead like a normal robber?"

The masked man nearly had steam coming out of his ears. "This club makes more money than I can even dream of making! This is an easy heist!"

Magnus raised his hands. "Okay, okay. I'll take you to the vault. Just don't shoot anyone. Or anything. That stuff costs money...."

Just then a voice caught everyone by surprise. A cop appeared out of the back room and raised his gun at the robber.

"Freeze! NYPD! Put your gun down now!"

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now