4. He surprises you for your graduation

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Ashton: {18}

"(Y/N) Irwin" Your principal said into the mic and you heard your family and friends shouts as you make your way across the stage. Once you and your classmates threw your caps in the air, you found your family and friends. You knew Ashton couldn't make it due to tour, but you were still sad. You took plenty of pictures.

"One more" Your best friend Kilya said and you hand her your phone. You smile and pose and feel someone behind you. Thinking nothing of it, you ignored  it

"Look and see if you want another one" She said and showed you the picture. You were posing while Ashton posed slightly behind you

"Ashton!" You say and give him a huge hug while trying not to cry so you won't mess up your make up.

"I missed you (Y/N)." He smiled and you saw the boys walk up to you guys and you smile and hug them as well

"I missed you too" Yo smile and get a picture with just him and then all of the boys. Ashton tweeted the picture with just you.

Ashton5sos: Lil sis graduated!! Proud of you (Y/T/N)

Luke: {17} (A.N. He's the adopted one)

You sat with your family at Razzoo's. Luke was on tour and you were missing him...badly. As your mom and two brother's ate, you excused yourself to the bathroom. One your way back, you heard loud voices.

"Mike, shut it" You hear Calum say and slow your walk, confused. As you came in eye sight, you see Michael, Luke, Ashton and Calum sitting at the table with presents.

"Luke?" You say and he smiles and turns around. You jog to him and give him a hug. You start to sniffle and he let you go and you hugged the boys and sat next to him and Ashton. You all took pictures and you didn't leave Luke's side

Calum: {18} (He's the adopted one)

Your name was called and you walked up on stage and shook your principle's hand. You were about to walk off when she kept you close.

"We have a surprise for Miss (Y/N)." Your principle said and you looked at her confused

"As some people know, (Y/N)'s brother has been traveling around the world. He said he wasn't going to be able to make it to her graduation on time but he did ask personally for us  to give you this gift" She said and a small present was placed in your hands. You opened it and a piece of paper was in it.

'Turn around' It said and you turned around and saw Calum smiling. You hugged him and everyone cheered. You felt a few tears fall

"Don't cry" He smiles and walks you off stage

Michael: {17}

No one. You had recently moved in with Michael and the boys. They were on tour and you wouldn't be able to see your family at your graduation. As you walked across the stage you heard screams and glanced over at the audience and saw signs with your face but the people who held the signs had their faces covered. You shook your principal's hand and got your things and went to your seat. After graduation, you and your boyfriend got your picture taken together and then your friends. You felt an arm around your shoulder as you started to text Michael.

"Trey not now" You sigh and press send and continued to look at your phone until you heard a familiar notification sound and looked up and saw Michael texting you back

"Mikey!" You scream and hug him tightly.

"Missed ya kiddo" He smiled and hugs

"Why are you wearing a snapback to a graduation?" You asked taking off his hat and ruffled up his now orange hair to make it look crazy inside of flat

"Because I can" He smiles and you introduce him and the boys to your boyfriend who they loved very much

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