112. "Have you lost your dang mind?!" (Muke)

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{Age 17-Same Age. You choose}


   You were coming home from a twelve hour trip. You were happy you were finally going home. It was fun going to your dream vacation but you were missing home. You had just got your hair done and you weren't planning on messing it up since you were slaying right now. You pulled out your keys and opened the front door. As you open it, a bucket of cold water poured down onto you and you let out a loud shriek.

"Michael!" You yell and you hear him laughing and came into view

"Glad your home!" He laughed and you pounce on him

"Have you lost your dang  mind?!" You yell and start to choke him "I just got my hair done!"

"I'm sorry!" He yelled and Calum who just happened to be there pried you off of Michael

"I can't believe you" You sat and storm up to your room and stayed in your room the rest of the day.


"Have you lost your dang mind?!" You asked looking at the kidnapped person in the chair in front of you

"What? You said-"

"No, I said 'just don't kidnap anyone!' "You say to Luke

"Oh" He said and untied the person and you sighed

"I'm really sorry. My brother doesn't think all the time" You say and they nod

    Luke went to go out since he was bored and since your the sarcastic one, you said don't kidnap anyone. You didn't think Luke would actually kidnap someone but since he was going to a party, he does some reckless things and apparently he has to be watched when he goes to parties now.

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