158. You and his girlfriend beef (Luke)

681 21 4

I'm sorry, I stay messing with Arzaylea XD I think it's funny doh

You were hanging with your friends, Luke and Arzaylea. You weren't necessarily talking to her but if she asked you a question you'd answer it. You were playing with your friend until she got an attitude and your friend knew it was about to go down and started to record.

(Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/4-NRW0AeP6/ )

Luke blocked Arzaylea from you and your other friend held you back

"Ooo you lucky yo boo here cause I woulda smacked them fake eyebrows off yo motha f-"

"Okay okay shh" Your friend who was holding you back said as she covered your mouth

"I wanna see you try" Arzaylea said an you bucked at her but she hid behind Luke

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