95. You get sick and another member takes care of you (Ashton)

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Ashton had to go an important meeting and dropped you off at Michael's house since Michael didn't have to go. You were feeling the best but you looked fine. You had a big head ache and your stomach was hurting badly. You laid on Michael's couch while he was getting dressed upstairs.

"Michael" You groan and he comes down stairs holding his shirt

"Yes kitten?" He asked and put his shirt on

"My head and stomach hurts" You pout and he walks over to you and put his hand on your had

"You are a little warm. I'll get you something" He said and walked to the bathroom. He then went to the kitchen and made a sandwich.

"Eat this then take the medicine" He said and set the sandwich down next to the medicine and glass of water.


"Hey Ash" Michael said opening the door

"You got her to sleep?" Ashton asked quietly

"She wasn't feeling to good so I gave her some medicine and she just fell asleep about an hour ago" Michael said and Ashton nodded and picked you up

"Thanks for watching her and treating her" Ashton said thankfully

"No problem Ash" Michael said and picked up your things and followed Ashton to the car

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