24. You dance for the fans while on tour

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You were on tour with Calum and the boys. You yourself was famous but you never been on tour with Calum and wanted to go. You

You were currently in Texas and just out venturing while the boys were doing their things. You were at a park when a group of fans run up to you. You took a few pictures until one fan asked if you could do a dance for her video.

"(Y/N) can you make a dance for my Instagram?" She asked nervous

"Of course, what song?" You ask

"Give it to em by Terriffic 3." She said and you weren't familiar with the song

"Lemme here it" You say and she plays it a few times and you get a feeling and timing of the song.

"Okay, nod when you record" You say and she looks at her phone and records you dancing. After she lowered her phone the fans gave you high fives. You got some Twitter names and promised to follow them and the boys to follow them.

~Later that day~

You were at an interview when your video played. You smile and look down at your phone until you heard your name.

"Yeah my sister is talented. She can dance better than any of us" Calum said and looked at you and gave you a small nod before looking back at the interviewer.

"You think she could do it again with out looking at her video?" She asked and the boys shrug

"(Y/N) come up here" She smiled and you shook your head, saying you don't want to steal the spot light

"It's fine girl come up here" Ashton said and you stood up and walked to them

"Okay (Y/N) , we're going to play a game. You have to try and do what you did in the video with your back turned, and blind folded to make sure you don't look" She said and you smile and get your space as she blind folded you. They played and you were a little off but still did it. The boys then had to try and do what you did.  You laugh, taking the blind fold off, watching the boys try and dance. You walked back to your seat and watched the boys.

   Once back at the hotel, you kept hearing thumps from the boys room so you went to check on them. You walk in on them trying to moonwalk and dance. You laugh and record them. You posted it on Instagram and your caption was 'Remind me to teach the boys on how to dance' and tagged them. You laugh as they try and try but not get it.

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