45. You get hurt when you're with him

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Calum: {14}

You were in the car with Calum. You sat up front with him and was on your phone. You hear a car squeal and before you knew it, Calum's arm held you back so you wouldn't lounge forward towards the air bag. Everything went black. When you opened your eyes, you were being carried out from Calum's car that was upside down. You slowly look up and saw a fire fighter was pulling you out. You had cuts everywhere but there was no sign of Calum. You were carried into the ambulance and you were being treated. The hit was on Calum's side and you saw the car damage. It was totaled and still no sign of Calum

"Calum? Where's my brother?" You asked weakly still trying to gain strength

"He's fine. He's more worried about you than himself" The man said as he pointed to pacing Calum who didn't see you get pulled out. He was crying an was pulling at his hair

"Please tell him I'm okay" You say and he nods and whispers to another paramedic and pointed to Calum

"Close your eyes for me" He said and you did. He dabbed (lol) some alcohol on your eye lid and lightly wiped something on your eye before you opened it.

"We are all set" He said and helped you down

"(Y/N)" Calum yelled and ran to you and gave you a hug.

"Are you okay?! How bad are you hurt?!" He asked and started to bombard you with questions

"Calum I'm fine" You say and hug him back

"I'm so sorry"

"It wasn't your fault he was drunk and going at full speed" You say with into his chest

(Him hugging you, it is winter and snowy and icy)

(Him hugging you, it is winter and snowy and icy)

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Luke: {11}

You and Luke were in the living room when you saw a bug. You screamed and accidentally went over the couch. Luke looked at the bug and killed it before looking at you.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"No, I think I hurt my wrist" You say and looked at your wrist. It wasn't all twisted but you could tell something was wrong with it.

"C'mon Missy, hospital time" He said and helped you to the hospital

Michael: {19}

You were on the tour bus in Michael's bunk since he usually slept in the back. The bus made a sharp turn and you fell out the bunk and landed on your stomach

"Ow" You groan and roll on your back

"Are you okay?" Calum asked looking at you from the bottom bunk

"No I just fell from the top bunk onto my boobs and stomach, perfectly fine" You say and Michael and Luke come out from the back and see you on the ground

"Why are you on the ground?" Michael asked

"Bus took a sharp turn while I was resting and I fell" You say and Michael helps you up.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked

"Her boobs and stomach hurts" Calum said and you punch his stomach making him groan

"Now your stomach hurts" You say and Michael helps you climb back into the bunk but he climbs in next to you.

Ashton slept through the whole thing....

Ashton: {8}

"Cliffocanda!" You yell and Michael starts to laugh

"No, no Cliffocanda" Ashton chuckled and you accidentally scrap you leg on a sharp object without knowing it till Ashton pointed it out. It took you a while to process it and once you did you started to cry.

"It's not even a big cut" Ashton said as he wiped the little blood

"It still hurts" You huff

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