67. He catches you and another boy singing songs from movies

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Luke: {Rio, 2011}

You and Michael were best friends. Luke had no problem with you two being close but he did make sure that Michael wouldn't get a little closer. You and Michael were watching Rio for the tenth time, already knowing the words of songs by heart. By the time the party scene came you both got up and started to dance and say the words. You took Nico and Jewel's role while Michael took Pedro, Blue and Rafi's role. Luke watched you two from the door with a smile. You both would laugh and even danced how Jewel and Blue danced. Luke didn't really like that part but he knew you two were having fun

Ashton: {Rio, 2011}

You and Calum were watching Rio when your favorite part came on. You and came both got up and sang 'Drop it' along with Pedro

"What are we dropping?" Ashton asked with a laugh watching you two

Calum: {The Lorax, 2012}

You and Luke were watching the Lorax when 'How can I be' came on. You both came on and started to pretend you were playing the guitar and sang along while dancing.

"Wow, that was hilarious" Calum said who recorded the whole thing

Michael: {Lion King, 1994 & Aladdin, 1992}

You and Ashton were listening to kid songs while cleaning and 'Hakuna Matata' came on. You both sang to that and when that went off, 'Friends like me' came on right after that which made you both even more hype and danced. The boys saw the whole things but decided not say anything to ruin their entertainment.

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