47. Group Chat (Luke)

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Same Age

Ashton: WAKE UP!

CalPal: Why? It's three in the morning

Lucas: Yea

Ashton: We are going on a morning run! MICHAEL! (Y/N)! WAKE UP

CalPal: I don't think they're going to wake up

Lucas: I don't think you want them to..

Ashton: We're getting food after the run


Ashton: Yess. Michael Gordon Clifford!

CalPal: Michael is a heavy sleeper

Lucas: Michael we are getting Panda Express after the run

MickeyMouse: WOOO!

Ashton: Is all you two think about is food?

MickeyMouse: ....yes

You: Yeah..

CalPal: Guilty

Lucas: Lol

You: Shut up idiots!

MickeyMouse: Shut up idiots!

MickeyMouse: Hey! I was going to say that

You: Shut up idiot! I'm not going on the walk

Ashton: Oh yes you are! Don't make me come in there

You: Sorry daddy

Ashton: It's okay

Ashton: Wait what?

Lucas: did you?

CalPal: I thought I was daddy

You have left this group chat

MickeyMouse: Wow...can I go back to sleep now?

Ashton: No....

You have been added to this group chat by Lucas

Lucas: You have some explaining to do

You: No I don't

CalPal: Am I daddy?

Lucas: Can we please get past this?

Ashton: Nope!

CalPal: No sorry

You: Calum you are not daddy

Ashton: Yeah that spot is taken

Lucas has left this group chat

CalPal: So what am I?

You: Papi

CalPal: I'll take that!

Lucas has been added back by Ashton

Lucas: Can we stop now?

You: I love my Daddy and Papi!!!

Lucas and Michael has left the group chat

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