78. You have a guardian animal (Luke)

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People always thought you were weird because everywhere you went, you brought an animal. But this was your guardian animal. It gave you advice and kept you from going insane.

~10 years ago~

You were at a foster home just chilling with you animal that had changed into a small puppy. A woman came in and saw you and walked up to you

"How old are you dear?" She asked

"8" You say and you guardian looked at Liz and gave a happy yip and turned to you

You can trust her, I sense it

"Can I come home with you?" You asked her and she nodded and adopted you.

"Can I bring Kush with me?" You asked and she nodded

"Yes you may. He's very cute and I'm sure my sons will love you and Kush" She said and you nod and get your things. You held Kush and went with Liz.


"(Y/N)! There's an owl in my room!" Luke yelled since you both were home alone

"Kush!" You yelled and ran into the room and saw Kush dancing to Big Rings

"Kush? Kush is a dog" Luke said and you sigh and shake your head

"Kush, come here" you say

Aww (Y/N)

"Kush now" You say and he flies down and lands on your shoulder

"(Y/N)? What's going on?" Luke asked scared and you start to cry

"Luke, I'm not normal" You cry and Luke stares at you confused so you continue

"Luke, Kush is my guardian. He found me when I was a baby. My mother died giving birth to me and I was with my dad when he got in a car crash. Kush came and saved me before anyone else could help me. Remember on the news when there was a missing baby? That was me. Kush is able to turn into any animal. He can talk to me and only me. He keeps me from going insane. Luke I'm crazy...mental even. I..I have to go" You say and Kush flies to the door and opens it for you and you walk out and to your room. Kush flies in and you close the door before Luke came and started to pack. You told someone and you didn't know if Luke could handle it or keep his mouth closed.

"(Y/N), open up" He said trying to open the door.

Kush turned into a lion and gave a roar. You heard a thump from outside the door and a groan. You finished packing and opened the door. You saw Luke on the other side of the hallway with his hand over his heart.


"Please don't tell anyone" You say and Kush gave another roar and a portal opened.

"(Y/N) wait" Luke said and was about to grab you when you and Kush jumped in and it closed before Luke had a chance. Luke was scared for you leaving and for when your mom came home. He started to panic and didn't know what to do. He started to pull at his hair and cry.

"(Y/N), come back" He cried

(Kush dancing)

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