Russia x Male Reader

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You where running down the hallway, ready for another meeting. You where late, looking at your clock about half an hour. This was not your day. Not only where you running late, but your car also broke down this morning. So you had to get to the meeting walking, or running.. Your feet hurt and you where sweaty, smelly and just a complete mess.
You didn't want to look like this for a meeting. If Ivan saw you like this his motherly side would peek though.
You where dating Ivan. In secret, of course. If the other countries knew. You didn't even want to think about it. They all saw Ivan as a monster, big and scary. But you knew that wasn't the case. If you got to know Ivan he was just a big plushy. You where the complete opposite of Ivan. You where small and fragile, you wasn't very tall and you didn't talk much. People would probably think he was doing nasty stuff to you. That you didn't want the relationship. But you did, you loved Ivan. In fact it was you who asked Ivan out. You didn't want your relationship to be ruined.

As time was running up with you, you reached the door. You sighted. Looking down at yourself you where grossed out. You tried making yourself look presentable, but it didn't really work, so you ended up just knocking. As you heard the room become quiet, you took down the handle and opened the door. All eyes where on you just as you expected. 'Great!' You thought.

"(Y/C), what happened to you?!" Shouted America.
" I-Umm.. I woke up late, and my car broke down, so I came even later.. And I'm sorry that I interrupted the meeting, so please just continue!.." You answered and looked to the floor while finding your seat. You where quick at finding your seat, and starting taking notes. Maybe half an hour into the meeting, you started feeling a big hand travel down your inner thigh. You looking up to see Ivan giving you a quick smile, before continuing to focus on England, who where about to start an argument with America. Time passed by, Ivan's hand still snuggling your thigh. You where a bit sleepy, and didn't really notice what was happening around you, but when Ivan quickly removed his hand you could feel something was wrong. You looked up seeing America hovering over poor Russia as if he committed a crime.
"He don't want that! How long have you been doing this to him!?" Alfred shouted at Ivan, who looked just as confused as you.
"He don't mind! You don't mind do you, (Y/N)?" Ivan's eyes turned to you, with the rest of the countries. "Umm-I-" you where interrupted by America. "See I told you he didn't like it Russia! You can't just do that to people, making them uncomfortable and stuff!" He turned to you. "But don't worry (Y/N), I, the hero! Am saving you!" He smiled and you could from the hook of your eye see the disappointment in Ivan's eyes. You quietly spoke up. "I don't need you to be saved from anything" you looked around and was met by confused looks from the other countries. "What do you mean?" Alfred asked, clearly confused. "I don't need to be saved from anything. I like when my boyfriend touch my thighs.." You looked down blushing, everyone around was clearly shocked. "You don't mean you're a.. A couple? You two? B-But you're so different?!" Alfred shouted.
"Kesesesesese, that's just like mein kleine Bruder und Italy" said Prussia. Now the looks where on Germany and Italy, who was sitting in the back of the room. They where both blushing madly. Russia took that as a distraction for the others and kissed you. It was passionate and sweet, Russia having really soft lips that tasted a bit of vodka. You kissed back of course. Now you starting hearing whistles coming from the other countries in the background. You didn't care. So when Ivan asked for entrance you where quick to give it to him. Your tongues intertwined so perfectly, fighting for dominance. In the end Ivan won. "Get a room you two!" France shouted. The two of you disconnected, and looked out at the other countries. You blushing all the way up to your ears, Russia just taking it as nothing just happened. "Well, I guess we are rounding up for this time. See you next time. (Y/C), be here on time next time, please" England said finishing up, the things around him. "Goodbye" and with that he was out. Everyone took a quick glance at each other and with that everyone left. It was just you and Ivan, you still being a bit shocked of what just happened. You looked at each other grinning slightly, then starting packing up your stuff. When you where all done, you walked out hand in hand.
This wasn't exactly how you wanted to tell the other countries about you and Russia, but you where glad it happened.

So this was the first oneshot! With Russia! He needs some love, he's just so cuddly! Also 847 words, I know it's not a lot, but this is my first oneshot after all c: Request in the comments!

Lots of hugs, Alex <3

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