2p!America x Male Reader (Lemon; Storms)

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Loud crashes as well as a even louder scream could be heard in the Jones home a late Friday night. Allen had quickly went out to get some snacks for him and his boyfriend, (M/N), as the two had originally planned for a cuddly night in as they would watch a movie.
Although as Allen was about to leave, a large storm had started. It had been raining for most of the week, although it had only recently gotten that bad. Making (M/N) quite nervous for Allen leaving.

Although Allen hadn't listened to (M/N)'s warning, leaving the now scared male alone in the house.
(M/N) was hiding in the bedroom, letting out small squeals every time a lightning would crash, the sharp sight of the lightning itself being seen through the large windows on the side of the bedroom, making the (Ravenette, Ginger, Blonde, Brunette, Crimsonette..) shiver even more as well as hide under the hot covers in effort to shield himself as he prayed for Allen to hurry home.

Just as (M/N) had hoped, it didn't take long enough before Allen returned home, the male freezing from the cold water the rainy clouds had shredded. Taking a step inside, sighing as he did so, Allen sat down his also drenched bags of snacks, starting to wonder where his cute little boyfriend had gone.
As he clearly wasn't in his spot on the couch as he had been when Allen first left. Allen took a step further into the house, taking off his jacket and shoes, pouting silently as he looked at his wet socks and cold feet.
"I guess I'll have to change then.." Allen mumbled to himself, moving and taking off his t-shirt, his stomach exposed. The maroon haired male ended up going to the bathroom, starting to change.

Although as he was back down to him underwear, trying his hair with a smaller towel, a shriek could be heard coming from the bedroom, causing Allen to cock a brow, placing the towel on the toilet before walking to the bedroom.
"(M/N), doll, are you in here?" Allen questioned, before popping his head inside the actual room, noticing the bump on the bed, (M/N) almost making the covers shake as well.
As Allen took a step closer, stretching his arms out, another lighting went down outside, (M/N) screaming from underneath the covers, making Allen look at him, taking a step closer.

"A-Allen.. please.. c-come home.." (M/N) told, his hands on his ears as he tried to muffle the sound, his cheeks stained with tears. Although a few moments later, a little weight could be felt on the side of the bed, causing (M/N) to throw off the covers and jump into Allen's arms, hugging him close. Much to the surprise of a certain American.
Although Allen happily hugged (M/N) back, holding the smaller and still shaking male close in the desperate hug.
"Shh.. It's alright, I'm here" Allen stated, looking down at his boyfriend, pulling him a small smile, (M/N) instantly reaching up and grabbing Allen's face, pulling him in for a kiss.

Allen once again found himself quite surprised, although gladly kissed his (Nationality) boyfriend back, helping (M/N) to relax a little under Allen's touch, feeling a soft hand on his cheek, the tanned male gently deepening the kiss a little.
Something (M/N) was quite easy to get to join in on.
"Mhm, (M/N)?.." Allen asked as he softly pulled away, looking down at the smaller boy with soft, yet deep red eyes. "I.. I don't like the thunder and the lightning.." (M/N) explained, pouting rather adorably as he looked slightly down. "Allen?.. Will you make the loud noises go away?" (M/N) asked softly, his (S/C) hand roaming the others tanned thigh just slightly, making a deep and cheesy chuckle fill the room as Allen nodded.

(M/N) had relaxed softly, still panting a little from the loud shrieks and gasps he had previously let out before Allen made his way to their house once again.
Although it didn't take long before soft gasps could be heard again, as Allen had captured (M/N)'s lips, smirking widely as he darted his tongue inside the hot cavern, earning a soft, although sure moan from his boyfriend.
Who happily kissed back.

(M/N)'s hand was resting on Allen's thigh, slowly moving higher up, the further he leaned into the kiss. As (M/N) had reached Allen, he was sitting in the others lap, a soft blush on his adorable face as he started groping the American.
Causing a soft moan to be caught in (M/N)'s own mouth.
The (Ravenette, Ginger, Blonde, Brunette, Crimsonette..) boy had moved entirely into Allen's lap and was now violently rolling his hips, a clear bulge being felt behind the soft pyjamas pants he was wearing. Allen felt a bulge of his own starting to form, the male panting as they had broken of the kiss.
A sound of clothing falling to the floor was heard in the room as (M/N) was pushed down on the bed and shredded of clothing, a cheesy grin lingering on his partners face as his fingers traced along the (Ravenette, Ginger, Blonde, Brunette, Crimsonette..)'s (S/C) stomach, a long lick soon landing under his navel. Causing (M/N) to shiver.

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