Italy x Overly Flirty!Artist!Male Reader (Museum AU)

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The two Italian boys could be seen walking into the museum a late afternoon, the sky already darkening slightly as they went inside. Feliciano was instantly mesmerised by the beautifully decorated entrance, the boy looking up in aw at all the paintings as Lovino bought them their tickets a little away. "Look Lovino, they're so-a beautiful!" Feliciano told, his soft amber eyes going wide as he let them scan over the walls.

Lovino sighed as he finished paying for the tickets, walking over to his brother and briefly looking at the paintings and other decorations on the wall and around the room before grabbing Feliciano's hand. "Come-a on, let's go look at something-a else.." Lovino mumbled, making the other Italian pout a little, although follow behind his brother. Feliciano was then stopped in a room full of sculptures that seemed to interest the maroon haired male he had went with. Although a few minutes after, Lovino grabbed his arm again, once again pulling him to some random room.

Lovino wandered slightly, although kept looking back at Feliciano who looked a little bored as he gazed over more sculptures. In reality, Feliciano was feeling slightly sad that everything was going so fast and that Lovino didn't take a few deep breaths, slowing down the tempo and actually enjoying the beautiful artwork in front of them. 

Lovino frowned at his brother, spending a few minutes at looking at the pictures. 

In the meantime Feliciano had turned his head and looked into the next room, gorgeous and colourful paintings hanging all over the walls which was also decorated. "Wow.." Feliciano whispered to himself, turning to look back at his brother. 'Lovi.. He can always-a find me later..' Feliciano told to himself before slipping out of Lovino's sight and instead into the lovely, enchanting room Feliciano had previously spotted.

Looking closer to the colour filled pieces, Feliciano took a few steps closer, about to run his fingers over the paint, only to be stopped by someone grabbing his hand. 

"You can't touch zhe paintings.." Mumbled a blond guard, a frown on his face only to let go of Feliciano's hand. Feliciano took his hand to himself, humming softly before flashing the guard a smile. "Ah, sorry.. I'll remember that to-a next time!" He told happily, before turning around from the guard, who nodded a little, moving to look at new paintings. 

After about an hour of searching for his brother, Lovino had no luck and sighed softly, turning to the excuse that Feliciano had gotten bored and just walked home. Although the theory seemed unlikely as Feliciano was the one who wanted to go to the museum in the first place, Lovino was tired and ended up going home. 

It was still late and it had only gotten darker outside, making the pieces stand out even more. Feliciano was excitedly staring at an exhibit marked 'new', the boy rather excited. It also said that if you were lucky, you could meet the artist. Even though Feliciano doubted it, he couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach as he looked around for a bit. 

After perhaps fifteen minutes of watching in pure aw, Feliciano decided to rest his legs, sitting down on a small puff in the middle of the room, another male sitting there already. The male had a sketchbook out, the drawings in there quite similar to the many paintings Feliciano had just been gazing over. 

Feliciano looked slightly shocked as he realised the male beside him would probably be the artist. "You know, the paintings are here to be stared at, I'm not.." The artist told, making Feliciano beam but nod a little, turning away and looking up at the pictures instead. 

"I really love-a your paintings.. They're so colourful and lively!" Feliciano complimented, making the artist chuckle softly, a small smile resting on his face as he looked over at Feliciano, nodding his head softly. 

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