Canada x Demon!Male Reader

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Requested by: @wolffather

"So, (Y/N) today's the day, Da?" Ivan told you. "You've grown so quickly, my little demonchild! 2107 years already! I'll miss you, you know?" He added. "I know Dad.. But i'll be okay you know that! If I can handle 2 bottles of Vodka, I can handle a couple of humans? Don't you think?" You said.

He answered. "Da.. Definitely" You could hear he was a bit sad. "Now you better get going!" He said cheering up a bit. You slowly walked away and was about to open your wings to fly, when you you remembered something. You ran back to Ivan and engulfed the big man into a hug. "I'll miss you Dad. But I promise you.." You stopped and looked at him tilting your head a bit to look at the slightly taller male. "..I'll come back some day" You then let go and went out the door spreading your big black wings. 

You could feel the air was a bit cold, but you didn't mind. 

You went up and down and then up again. You were all over the place. If you had been flying with Ivan, he would have told you to fly safely, and make sure you didn't fly into anyone. But you had already made it so far, that no other demon was allowed here anymore. You were flying in the skies over a school called 'World Academy'. It was a big red building, and that was where you were going to stay. You made it to the back of the school and said a quick spell out loud. Making your big black wings, and curly black horns go away. You felt kinda weird, but at least now you looked like any regular human boy. Your (H/L) (H/C) hair framing your face nicely, making your (E/C) stand out of your (S/C) face. Together with that was your septum ring and your snakebites. 

Yeah you looked decent. 


You quickly decided to try to find what was supposed to be the office. Now you were here and a little chubby lady with a pink sweater and a cherry pin, was helping you find your dorm. She was so nice to you, and it gave you this weird feeling that made you want to smile cheekily. You didn't because she would probably tell the other student and they would laugh at you, just like the kids did at home. 

After she found your papers she asked one of the other lady's to get a guy named Matthew Williams, since I would be sharing dorms with him. The lady, which name happened to be Susan, told me that Matthew was really sweet. And that he has a brother named Alfred. She also told me that I should stay away from him if I didn't wish to get in trouble. Whatever she means by that..

Susan was still talking, and she was actually quite nice! Though she told you not to lean over her desk, you kinda just did it anyway.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in, Matthew, we're over here" Susan sweetly spoke. The door opened, reviling a petite blonde with glasses. Other know as Matthew Williams. Your new roommate. He slowly walked towards you and Susan. You could see on the way he walked that he was nervous. You turned around, smiling at him showing of your pearl white row of teeth. "Hi Matthew! I'm (Y/N) (Y/L) It's so nice to meet you! I'm going to be your new roommate! I hope we can be great friends!" You said, reaching out a hand for him to take. He just stared at it. Not in a welcoming 'Hi i'm Matthew, nice to meet you too!' way. More like a 'Susan what do I do way' as he kept looking at Susan and then back at your hand. You started returning your hand, but was interrupted. "Matthew! Say hello to (Y/N)! Shake his hand, you're making him sad!" She said a bit angry. You weren't really sad, but sure it hurt a bit. You literally knew no one, so it would have been nice to know someone.

Then he looked at you, trying to send you a smile, but failing miserably. Then he spoke. "H-Hi (Y-Y/N). Nice to m-meet you" he then looked at the floor, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks. 

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