Iceland x Male Reader (Halloween Special!)

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A knock was heard on the outer door, as (M/N) ran up to his friends house. They were supposed to meet up so they could decorate their houses and the two teens had agreed that they would dress up for the occasion. Although it seemed as if someone forgot. As the door opened, Emil was shown, the male glaring at (M/N) with an expression that showed pure confusion. Emil took a few steps towards (M/N) his slightly purple hues being shown concentrating a lot.

"What are you doing here?" Emil asked, placing a hand on his hip. "Oh my god, what are you wearing?" He asked with a soft chuckle, as he looked over at his best friend, the details of his outfit standing out to the platinum blonde boy. "I'm Peter Pan!" The other teen chuckled as he spread his arms out with a wide grin on his face as he flashed an iconic pose before running up to his fellow teen, hugging him happily. "We're going to decorate our houses!" The male explained, a few strands of (H/C) hair falling into his face as he jumped slightly. When Emil didn't seem nearly as excited as he was supposed to, at least from what the (Nationality) man thought, said man stopped jumping around, instead pulling away from Emil and taking a few steps back, crossing his arms. "You forgot, didn't you?" (M/N) asked with a raised brow, Emil only staying silent in embarrassment.

"Emil!" The (Blonde, Brunette, Ginger, Ravenette, Crimsonette..) exclaimed, throwing his arms out. "Sorry, (M/N).. I haven't even had the time to find a proper costume.." Emil muttered, looking slightly away from his friend with a slight pout. (M/N) sighed as he noticed Emil's sad face, walking over and pulling him out. "It's fine.. Now let's go, we'll do my house first and I'll borrow you a costume!" He told, Emil sighing as he was dragged towards his friends house rather unwillingly.

"You really don't need to do this, I'll be fine without a costume.." Emil muttered to himself only for the other to chuckle and brush off his comment, still dragging him along by connecting their hands with a wide grin. "That's not true Emil, I know we'll find something. Don't you trust this adorable face?~" (M/N) asked, turning around to Emil and flashed a toothy grin, his eyes sparkling a little which made Emil sigh. "Of course I do."

"I have just the right one for you, just hold on Emil!" (M/N) grinned as he ran up the stairs to his room, Emil following with calm steps, not nearly as excited as (M/N) seemed to be. The overly excited male had run into his room, soon enough starting to go through his closet, throwing out different things an a great deal of costumes.

Emil was a little surprised by his friends collection, although as (M/N) continued to look through the many costumes, the Icelandic male sat down on his friends large bed, watching him pull out a large piece of fabric, multiple colours being shown.

(M/N) send the other an excited grin as he waddled over, an arm slinging around Emil's neck as he sat down on the bed beside him. "I didn't plan to give you this, not just yet.. But I think you'll like it!" He explained as he fully showed the suit, Emil allowing a small smile to come on his face as he watched the gift. The suit shown was a large puffin kigurumi, the well known bird being Emil's favourite animal. Something that his best friend of course knew.

Emil gently reached over and took the suit, his smile widening a little. "This is really nice of you.. Thank you, (M/N)," Emil told with a gentle grin, looking over at his friend who instantly tackled the Icelandic male in a hug, almost pushing him off the bed by accident. (M/N) snorted a little as he grabbed his friend, pulling him up to properly sit on the bed. "Go on, try it on!" He encouraged with a grin, chuckling a little.

Emil hesitantly got off the bed, waddling to the bathroom with a lingering smile and the suit. (M/N) was still smiling widely as he waited for his friend to rejoin him, a bit of struggling being heard from (M/N)'s small bathroom making said male pull a wider smirk. After a few minutes of waiting he was rejoined by Emil who was wearing the slightly big kigurumi, making (M/N) clap his hands together.

Getting up and out of the bed, (M/N) wrapped his arms around Emil, nuzzling his friend in a hug, the taller male looking down at the Icelandic man. "You look so cute, Emil!~" He told, the boy addressed blushing, making him turn his head away. "Stop it.." Emil muttered awkward as he pulled away, taking the bag the costume had been in and placing his other clothes inside it. "Let's start decorating instead," He told with crossed arms.

After a few hours the two had finished with the original decorations at (M/N)'s home and they had just reached back at Emil's home, (M/N) having brought a ton of decorations for the two to enjoy, as well as a few snacks and some candy. So far, everything seemed to be going rather well. That was until the two entered the living room, where Emil's brother Lukas and a group of his friends sat. (M/N) already knew them all and didn't seem to mind their presence until they started bugging Emil.

An obnoxious laughter filled the room as they stepped inside, a certain dane being in the middle of showing his friends a video he thought to be rather funny. Although he was the only one really laughing, Tino giggling softly to be nice.

Although the laughter was quick to stop for a brief second before it started again. "Ah, Emil! What are you wearing, Sve, have you seen this?" Matthias asked with a wide grin, nudging a tall male in the side, the still rather teen like male pushing up his glasses as he looked over at Emil, a small snigger being heard.

Lukas was also glaring over at Emil who was now frowning at his brother and his friends. "Aren't you a little too old for that, Ice?" He told with a slightly raised brow, Emil about to say something when his friend returned. (M/N) was grinning widely, throwing an arm around the blonde boys neck and pulling him in for a slight hug.

Pulling Emil towards the kitchen to decorate that as well, a thought passed his mind making him pull the now sulking teen aside. "Hey, Emil?" He asked softly making said boy look up.

"What was all that about?" (M/N) questioned with a raised brow, looking confusedly down at Emil who simply walked over and stared up at his friend. "They're making fun of the costume. They all think it's childish.." He muttered, glaring a little away, down at the floor instead.

(M/N) only sniggered at Emil's concern, leaning over and hugging the smaller boy, before gently kissing his head as if it was nothing. "I think you look really cute. And you like the costume, right?" He asked in a soft tone making Emil nod. "Then there's nothing to worry about. Now, let's hurry and get this done so we can go watch a movie afterwards!~" (M/N) cooed as he took Emil's hand, dragging him over to help with decorating.

So I think I called the one with Sweden the shortest one. But I guess that had been beaten by this one cause it's only 1.246 words long. Not that I'm disappointed, I think it's a sweet one shot. So I hope you like it too! Also, I apologise for the spam but I wanted to do something special for halloween as it is my favourite holiday!!

Also this book now has about 156K or something like that and it's crazy, I just wanted to say thank you all so much! Although that's beside the point, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

Until next time;

Lots of Hugs, Alex <3

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