Diner Owner!England x Diner Owner!Male Reader; 1950

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Also this is pretty much how the diner looks. The uniform you wear is just a white dress shirt and a small butterfly. Although Alfred's is a little big on him.

The small diner was seemingly calm, a soft tune playing in the background.

Only one of the two owners could be seen, talking to his son, who had just recently started helping with taking orders.

"And you have to write 'em down, remember" (M/N) told his son, Alfred. Alfred had only recently turned 14 and even though the boy would rather be running up and down the streets with the other kids, his father had insisted that he helped out as the man was a little short with his staff.

"And hey, kiddo. If you start talking to the ladies again, I'm gonna be pissed. Now go do your job, ay?" The taller man said as he ruffled the soft hair of his son.

It didn't take Alfred long before he had taken in the information and was now walking around the diner, his little apron on as he helped the rest of the staff.

(M/N) couldn't help but feel a little proud as he walked towards the counter, as he saw a few people flow inside.

"And how may I help ya, sir?" The male asked as he send a smirk to the man over the counter. The man in front of him had a lady tagging along, holding on to his arm as he took out his wallet to pay for what they had just eaten. When he was done he send (M/N) a friendly smile as the couple left.

It didn't take long before Alfred came sprinting up to his father a slightly nervous look on his face. "D-Dad.. the man at table 7 would l-like to have a word with y-you.." Alfred panted, his voice a little shaky as the boy was nervous about perhaps doing something wrong. (M/N) send the shorter boy a slightly angry glare, as he walked towards said table, mumbling something along the lines of 'what did ya do this time, kiddo..'.

As (M/N) made his way to the table, he found himself looking at a familiar face.

Alfred had been tripping behind you, prepared to take a scolding if necessary, but as you sat down with the man sending him a smile some of Alfreds anxiety was taking off his shoulders. "Just look at that Gil, you're scarin' the poor kid!" You told motioning for Alfred who was standing a little away looking at his father, knowing his father could sometimes get a little harsh. "Run of kiddo, the folks at table 14 need more water" (M/N) told as he made a motion with his hands for his son to scoot away. "Also go tell Arthur to come 'ere!" The (brunette/blonde/ravenette/crimsonette/ginger..) told with a smile, making some of the customers in the somewhat large diner chuckle.

You then looked back over at Gilbert, who was looking at you with a large grin as he took a sip of his milkshake. "Jou're still letting him be in zhe kitchen? It's a miracle jou have actual costumers!" The male told with a loud chuckle, making (M/N) laugh as well. The two chatted a little until a well known man joined the two, sitting himself down at (M/N) side of the table, making (M/N) run his hand briefly over the others.

"You called?" Arthur asked with a smile as he looked over at you, making you nod. It was clear for anyone to tell that Arthur wasn't from around here, his thick British accent being quite the giveaway, although it was a thing you had always found adorable about the other man. You send him a smile back, a long with a somewhat rooted chuckle, making the other males cheeks tint a little.

You didn't quite say anything, but ended up staring at each other for quite the time before Gilbert coughed a little, interrupting the awkward silence. "Well, me and Arthur are gonna go talk in the kitchen instead, because ya know, privacy, hehe.." you let out an awkward chuckle, scratching the back of your neck as you stood up making Arthur do the same.

"It was nice talking to ya, Gil. But this diner can't run itself ya know? Besides I'm pretty sure Alfred have messed up multiple orders already" The male told his friend with a laugh as he left the table. "It's called 'Arthur and I'" The male beside you bickered at you before you let out a sigh. "Oh stop correcting me.." (M/N) mumbled with a slight growl, going behind the cashier and letting some people pay, only to go out in the back when he heard Arthur call for him.

"What is it, sugar?" You asked as you leaned slightly over the table your boyfriend was standing at. Before you could say anything more, barely blink Arthur was after you. "(M/N)! Shh!" He yelled out. "You can't call me that in public I have told you multiple times Mister!" The male bickered, even though he knew you weren't listening.

You simply chuckled at his words, not even taking them into consideration.

(M/N) shortly after started walking over to the other male, placing a hand around his hips. Although it didn't take long before the British had pushed away the hand of his secret lover. He let out a loud, "No!" before looking over at the taller male who looked down at him with a saddened face.

Alfred could be heard coming inside the room, the boy looking at couple. "Why is dad sad?" Alfred asked as he looked over at Arthur. Even though the two weren't actually related they had a very strong bond as Arthur had always been there for him instead of the mother that had abandoned Alfred and his father shortly after Alfreds birth.

Arthur shook his head as you knitted your eyebrows together, shaking your head a little as you looked up and over at the two. "Ya know Alfred, it doesn't matter, papa and I were just having a small disagreement, it's nothing" (M/N) said, motioning for Arthur, who send the boy a small smile.

It didn't take Alfred long to just shrug it off, walking back to the diner itself to take more orders, along with taking over the cashier while his father and his partner worked out their stuff.

Back with the two older males Arthur had let out a sigh as he walked back over to (M/N). Arthur let his hands around the taller males waist. Arthur could feel the other male pull him in for the hug they both so desperately needed after an exhausted day. "I just want ya to know how much I love ya, Arthur.." The taller male told as he let his finger connect with Arthurs.

Arthur let out a small sigh, before leaning up and giving (M/N) a small peck on the lips, hoping no one saw.

"One day" Arthur told. "One day they'll all know.."

I'm so glad I finished this and I already love doing these AU things and I can't get my mind around how fantastic it is that you actually liked my idea.

I am already so glad that you like my content, let alone that you come with requests and help me when I asked for it (for the prompts).

1.142 words for the first of the AU prompts!

I'm home sick and since it's weekend I can hopefully get some more done. I have already started some of the others, but I was just so excited to do this one since I honestly love these like 1950 one shots and all that. Also I hope I did an okay job, even though it is a little short.

Until next time;

Lots of Hugs, Alex <3

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