Uke!Slytherin!England x Seme!Griffindor!Male Reader (Hogwarts AU)

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A late night assignment they had called it when the two walked off. Although (M/N) had been spending some time away from the Slytherin boy, with his housemates instead. And after talking for a bit as well as explaining the circumstances of him leaving, the other boys simply wouldn't let him.

"Come on Alfred, let me go, I need to meet with Arthur in the library!" (M/N) shrieked as he tried to get out of said Americans grip. Although Alfred just shook his head and continued to pull the (Brunette, Blonde, Ginger, Ravenette, Crimsonette..) back in the couch, making said boy let out a gasp as he fell back. (M/N) now looking at Alfred with a frown as well as furrowed (H/C) brows.

Alfred shook his head again before feeling you get out of his somewhat loose grasp. "You can't go, dude! You don't know what he'll do, he's a Slytherin for god sake!" The blonde male exclaimed, throwing his arms out as he watched his friend get ready to leave their common room. (M/N) simply sighed as he watched the other with bored eyes, picking up a small brown bag, filling it with books and parchment as well as quills and ink. "Seriously, Alfred, don't worry about it, I'm just gonna go do my assignment and then I'll be right back in the dorm.." (M/N) told as he stood up properly, brushing his shirt down before adjusting his red and golden tie, sighing a little as he turned towards the door.

"I'll be off now, see you later!" (M/N) spoke, his voice slightly excited. "Oh, almost forgot this.." (M/N) told, leaning over and taking the brown bag, swinging it over his shoulder before running out of said common room and instead down the hallway towards the library.

Although only a few centimetres from the library door, a certain Slytherin boy could be seen fidgeting with the doorknob in effort to get it open, a large stack of books in his arms. Turning his head a little, Arthur noticed the other male and smiled softly, nodding in acknowledgement of the others presence. "Would you like some help carrying those?" The (Brunette, Blonde, Ginger, Ravenette, Crimsonette..) asked, making Arthur shake his head as he finally got the door opened with a small thump.

"No need for that. Now come on, we've got a deadline.." Arthur told as he stepped inside the library, moving to find a soothing spot to sit down for the two to study. (M/N) followed behind, the male holding onto his small brown bag, which rested soothingly on his hip. Finally finding a nice place to sit, the two boys settled, unpacking everything they'd need to start and finish their assignment as soon as possible.

The two spend a few hours in the library, discussing and scribbling down things for their subject, which to (M/N) was rather boring. Although as Arthur seemed rather excited, the other couldn't help but at least listen. Arthur had been doing some 'light reading' which to (M/N) seemed like the thickest book he'd ever seen, although Arthur continued to go back to said book, explaining about the history of wizards and everything they'd done for the wizards society and how their generation was new and how they would be the ones to create new history.

(M/N) simply nodded, humming a little as he listened the best he could to Arthur's words.

"And even though my father would tell me that there wasn't too much we could change as the wizard society is already so well build, I believe we should be the ones to take some initiative! Like.. uh, interacting more with the muggle world, perhaps?" Arthur asked, looking over at (M/N) with a bright grin. Although (M/N) had been too busy getting lost in emerald green pearls to even hear what the Englishman had been talking about. Something that Arthur seemed to notice rather quickly.

"Are you even listening to me? Do you know how rude it is to just stare at someone and not even listen to what they're saying?! You are such a wanker, (M/N), listen to me!" The dirty blonde Brit exclaimed, throwing his arms out as he did so. (M/N) just sighed, a sigh of satisfaction as he moved to grab the others jaw, pulling the still blabbering boy in for a quick peck. Something that surely shut him up.

"What on earth was that?!"

"A kiss.."

"A-And why would you kiss me?!"

"Cause you didn't shut up on your own.."

Arthur stared at the other with a somewhat surprised expression before furrowing his brows, the male looking somewhat angry as his cheeks heated up. "Ah, look you're matching me!" (M/N) explained with a cheeky as well as teasing grin, referring to Arthur's deep red cheeks as well as his almost matching tie. Arthur looked over at the other before starting to yell again. Making the (Brunette, Blonde, Ginger, Ravenette, Crimsonette..) grab his jaw again, smashing their lips together once more. Arthur squirmed a little, before pulling away, his eyes squeezed together. "Shut up, Arthur," (M/N) told with a sigh, Arthur starting to defend himself, making the (H/C) haired man repeat the previous action with a soft grin. Arthur squirmed again, the male this time leaning slightly into the kiss.

"Ah..(M/N)~.." Was heard leaving the Brits mouth as he looked up at the other with half lidded eyes and a still standing blush, thick over his usually pale cheeks. The (Nationality) male couldn't help but look a little shocked as he pulled away from Arthur, a grin held on his cheeks.

(M/N) only clapped his hands together and stood up, while Arthur hid his face. "Well, if that's all for today, I'll see you again on Friday!" (M/N) told happily, his deep (E/C) eyes shining as he looked at the confused Arthur, all while packing away his things. Cocking a thick brow, Arthur moved his hands away from his face to properly get a look at the slightly taller Griffindor student. "B-But, we didn't make plans for.. Friday.. what are we doing on Friday?" Arthur asked, a wondering gaze held in his emerald eyes.

"That's when we're going to Hogsmeade!" (M/N) explained with a soft yet charming laugh, swinging his now full, brown bag over his shoulder, getting ready to leave. "I hope you like butter bear, Artie!~" (M/N) beamed, leaving behind a softly blushing Slytherin boy.

So this isn't all that long, but I've had it laying around for so freaking long. I just wanted to get it done, so here you have a little fluff in 1.069 words.

I hope I captured England's personality somewhat well and that you all enjoy this little one shot! And that I've given you updates, two days in a row!~

Until next time;

Lots of Hugs, Alex <3

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