Russia x Male Reader (Christmas Special)

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Ivan is looking like the one in black in this story ((;

Requested by; MonochromeVeins 

If it matters to anyone, the reader is around 16 and Ivan is around 15.

You were walking down the halls of your school, trying to make you way to Math. This was the last day before you got winter vacation. Then you could celebrate christmas and new year and come back about three or four days into the new year.

You were a very tall guy for your age, your height giving you the ability to look over the heads of people flocking in the crowded halls.

When you finally made your way to math you were met by groans and complains coming from your little Russian cutiepie. Also known as your boyfriend Ivan. You put your stuff down next to his only to find Ivans head now buried in your chest. "Family stuff?" You asked only for him to give you a hum and a half nod into your chest.

The class had now started, your teacher Mr. Beilschmidt talking about equations at the board. Ivans hand was holding yours under the table, his black nail polish standing out from his pale hands making you notice. You slipped him a note.

Did you paint your nails? It said. You had used your notebook for the little notes. He simply replied with Yes.

Math went on fast even though you had it for two hours straight. Then the bell rang making everyone walk to the canteen. You and Ivan were quick to grab your bags and while you were walking the halls you decided you wanted to talk. Usually Ivan was really quiet if something troubled him.

"So what's going on at home?" You asked. He stopped and looked up at you. "I came out.." He stated. "That's great! How did they take it?" You knew Ivans parents were quite conservative, and that was the reason Ivan hadn't told them he was gay yet. His father was especially bad. His mother already had some weird idea that he was going to marry his sister, which she didn't seem to mind. His family was indeed very weird and what concerned you was how long Ivan was taking on answering you. Both of you had started walking again, but it seemed like Ivan wanted to avoid the topic. "They threw me out" He finally said. You could feel him shaking a bit and you squeezed his hand trying to assure him it was all going to be fine. You knew it wouldn't be. Even though Ivans family didn't accept him, you still knew how much he loved them. You were now in the canteen, just settling down at a table. You only sat down before Ivan was sitting with his head in your chest again. You heard little sniffles and you instantly knew he was crying. You started to stroke his beautiful almost white hair, trying to hug him at the same time. "Aw, Ivan.." Was all you could say, still stroking his hair. You had noticed his backpack was larger than usual, but you brushed it of thinking he had gotten extra homework. You were so wrong as you now knew that all of the stuff he could grab was in that bag, which probably wasn't that much. "Do you have a place to stay?" You asked. He looked up at you, his eyeliner running. "N-No, all my other family is b-back in Russia" He sniffled. You hugged him again. "Then you can stay at my place. Would you like that Ivan?" You asked. Although Ivan knew he wasn't being asked, as you would never leave your boyfriend with nowhere to be. "I was going to celebrate my f-first American christmas with them this year.. I knew coming out was stupid.." He mumbled the last part. You placed you hand under his chin making his now red puffy eyes look into your (E/C) eyes. "Ivan" You kissed his nose. "Coming out wasn't stupid. It was very brave. Not many in your situation would have done the same, you know that right?" Ivan nodded as you continued. "You are very brave Ivan. And even though you're not going to celebrate your first American christmas with your family, you can celebrate it with me if you want to. We both know my mum would be more than happy to have you" You said making you both giggle a little. "It's gonna be fine, Ivan" You said. You could now see that the other kids were starting to get back into class, but it didn't really do a difference for the two of you. "But I don't have a present for you yet?" Ivan made it sound like a question. "Spending christmas with you is a present itself" You said. Ivan then looked at you, smiling a little this time. "You need a cracker, Da?" He asked making you both laugh. "Did it sound that cheesy?" You only received a nod, along with a cute little giggle.

"Now let's go to class, we only have about an hour left and then we can go home and cuddle"

829 words. It another small one but I just hope people like them. Also two in one day, woohoo! Go me. Idk who is next but I know I still have some requests to do.

Until next time;

Lots of Hugs, Alex <3

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