Prussia x Mute!Male Reader; Part 2 (Lemon)

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Gilberts cheeks were a deep red colour as he was taken by surprise. He wasn't used to the feeling of you being like this, he didn't even know how to describe the feelings he was receiving.

You smirked before getting up and unbuttoning your pants slowly. You then turned around, back to Gilbert who was sitting on the edge of the bed, as you let your pants slowly leaving you in your underwear. The navy blue boxers you were in was pressing itself onto your (S/C) porcelain skin. You swayed your hips slightly as you walked closer before sitting yourself in Gilberts lap. You started with pecking his nose, his chin and then up and down his jawline, causing the other male to let out a low chuckle. You smiled for yourself as you knew he enjoyed his treatment. 'Can I take off your pants?' You asked as you held onto Gilberts hips. Gilbert nodded with confidence, standing up gradually, making it easier for you. You pulled the ill fitting jeans down. You then crawled down in front of your lovers feet, ripping the pants off his ankles, his socks along. Gilbert was now only in his underwear. You were enjoying the sight, a lot, the extensive smile on your face proving it's point. A bulge was noticeably starting to form in Gilberts pants, understandably enough since you were acting quite a lot out of character. You sat on the floor, now on your knees as you leaned up at look at Gilbert. You smile at him, only to start playing with the loose waistband that his underwear was providing. It was terrible for Gilbert, as it was going way too slow for the hyper Prussian. But he had to endure it for a little longer, as you were finally starting to pull the fabric off his body. Gilberts member was now standing in the air. It had popped up when you first removed his underwear, making the tip touch his stomach. The pre-cum that had been on the tip before was now also smeared onto his lower abdomen. Gilbert felt a slight blush flush onto his cheeks as you continued to focus on his member, a smirk on your face. Your eyes were filled with a lustful yet apologetic look, making a shiver run down Gilberts spine when your eyes found his. You leaned in closer, your hands fumbling on the inside of Gilberts pale thighs.

It was no secret that you were new to this. You had always been afraid of not being able to communicate with the other, during such intimate situations as this. But as you yourself had associated into the now slightly heated situation you and Gilbert were in, you didn't mind. You had the control, for the most part at least. It was also very new to your eye seeing Gilbert like this. He looked almost vulnerable. You blushed a little. It was really sweet, and kinda weird too. You then started kissing the tip of Gilberts member, you weren't quite sure if he actually liked it, so you decided to ask. 'Is this good?' you signed as he left another kiss. You tried licking the tip a little, focusing on the head. Gilbert simply nodded, placing a hand under you're jaw. "It's very good" He told, followed by a slight moan when you decided to take in the whole thing. You made sure your arms weren't getting in the way by placing then on Gilberts inner thighs, making him whimper a little. You used your thumbs to draw small circles, while continuing to bob your head down on Gilberts member. You were beginning to taste more of the bittersweet liquid coming from Gilberts dick, indicating he was close to cumming. Along with the fact that Gilbert desperately was bucking his hips as if it would making you go faster than the slow pace you were going at. It really didn't do much, but you enjoyed listening to the many rash moans and mumbles he let out. A thing you noticed were the fact that he spoke german to himself. You would hear small phrases like 'Scheiße' and 'Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dich zu ficken..'. Although he would mumble the last part, as he tried to silence a moan. You were about to pull your head away when you were stopped by a hand. The pale hand that of course belonged to Gilbert, had grabbed a good portion of your (H/C) hair, holding your head down onto his cock as he finally came, the white and sticky liquid. Gilberts breath could be heard, the unsteadiness audible. You sank the liquid, making a slight grimace. When you were done you look back up at Gilbert. He had fallen back onto the bed, his chest lifting itself up as he took in deep breaths. You took off your pants and socks, walking over beside him in your underwear. You first kissed his cheek and then his jawline, making him smirk a little.

Neither of you found it necessary to speak nor sign at the moment, so you simply continued kissing him. Gilbert was blushing rather hard as you found a certain spot on his neck. You found it funny to see him squirm the tad bit he did, the way he would whimper slightly made your knees get buttery. You then decided to tease the man even more. You stood up, stopping the kissing, making Gilbert sit up to look over at you. You had decided that the ill fitting boxers you were wearing had been on you for way too long, so you took them off. The navy blue boxers dropped to the floor along with Gilberts jaw. The way he looked at you indicated he liked the sight very well, the blush on his face telling no different story. You walked back over to him, placing your arms around his neck as you sat yourself in his lap. You began kissing him again, rolling your hips along his crotch. Gilbert could obviously see where this were going and as the teasing got too much for him he grabbed you by the hips. You quickly understood as you leaned over and positioned yourself over his hard member, pushing yourself onto him. Gilbert once again moaned out, especially when you started moving. It didn't take long before you were going up and down on him in a steady pace. Gilbert were grasping onto your hips and ass, smirking as you jumped in slight surprise.

You continuously went up and down on Gilberts member, letting out small 'whimpers' from time to time. Your face was full of pleasure and Gilbert could clearly tell. 'T-This is.. really goo-d' You signed very sloppily as your arms got shaken by you moving. Gilbert smiled at you before decided he wanted to swift position. He stopped rolling his hips, making you stop moving. People you could even ask what he was doing, he had you laying on the bed, legs in the air, as he made you tangle your body against his. He slowly started going inside again, this time reaching new areas that he couldn't before.

You could feel the obvious difference, making you squirm underneath him as you felt a thick knot in your lower abdomen, making the whole lower part of your body shake. Gilbert who was also close picked up his pace, making your shaking even more obvious. 'Faster.. P-Pleas-ee' You signed only just reasonable enough for Gilbert to be able to see it. He grabbed your hips once more burying his nails into your skin, making noticeable marks.

Soon enough you came, your cum squirming onto both yours and Gilberts chest. Your breathing were loud and your chest were moving fast as you tried to regain yourself. When your breathing was finally somewhat normal you felt something go inside of you. Gilbert just came, his cum going deep inside you. A moment after you felt quite empty as Gilbert had retracted himself. You could feel the bed go down as more weight was added to it. Gilbert had laid down beside of you, placing small butterfly kisses on your shoulder and neck. 'It was good, I liked that very much' You signed as you tried sitting up slowly. Gilbert helped you as you squirmed a little. Gilberts cum had started running out of your expanded hole, a feeling you were not used to. "We'll go take a shower. Get you cleaned up, Liebling" Gilbert said with a smile as you started cuddling into his chest.

He picked you up, causing you to 'whine' as much as you now could. Your butt was hurting as he held you up, your legs around his stomach to hold yourself up. The shower took quite a long time as every time Gilbert touched anywhere near your lower regions you would pout as it hurt, especially the marks he had made on your hips. And every time he wasn't touching you in some way you were on the edge on falling asleep from exhaustion. Gilbert found it adorable as he had to dry you up, getting you dressed in some comfy clothes and help you get in bed. About 10 minutes after the shower you were laying all cuddled up in a sweater and briefs, your head on Gilberts chest. You were lightly snoring and Gilbert was simply enjoying the moment.

So I'm finally done. This has literally taken me so long to write, so I really hope you enjoy it. The lemon was requested by MsPoison101 and is 2.761 words long. I actually think this is one of the longest lemons I have made.

Also I plan on updating this story a lot in about two weeks as I have a week of vacation where I basically have to do nothing.

Anyways, I hope you like this.

Until next time;

Lots of Hugs, Alex <3

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