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The guys decided to meet at 4 in the morning. I knew that wasn't going to happen, but I still woke up early. My phone was vibrating. It was Chad calling.

"Hello?" I said, sounding like a zombie.

"Wake up! Where are you? Lets meet up at my place instead." Chad said.

"Yeah sure, I'll go pick up Jay and Bas."

"Don't be late." Chad said, and hanged up.

I took a quick shower, and got my backpack. I arrived at Jay's place, where Bas lives most of his life. The light in his room was still off, which I wasn't surprised about. I rang the doorbell, and Mrs Larkin welcomed me in.

"Good morning Mrs Larkin." I said.

"Good morning Damon, Jay and Bas are upstairs. I made breakfast, but I'm flying to England in a bit for some food convention. Please do just help yourself, and make sure my baby boy is safe okay?" She said. She was flying to England 'in a bit' and seemed so relax about it. I guess it's because she's so used to flying to different countries all the time.

"Thank you and have a safe flight Mrs Larkin." I said.

I made my way up to Jay's room, and switched on the light. "Jesus mom, turn it off." Jay said.


"Good morning ladies! Change of plan, we are meeting up in Chad's place. He sounds very feisty." I said.

"No mommy, I don't want to go to school today." Bas said.

"Betty is waiting downstairs." I said.

Bas immediately got up, as if there was an apocalypse. "Are you serious?"

"Someone's up."

"Screw you Damon." He said as he covered his head with the blanket and made weird sounds.

I realised how Jay and Bas haven't even packed yet. I sarcastically though to myself, well this is going to be a great adventure. We grabbed some of the croissants Mrs Larkin made, and rushed to my car. Luckily, Chad's house is only a 20 minute drive from Jay's place. We got to Chad's house, and they were already waiting inside his SUV.

"What took you guys so long? We need to leave now. Unless you faggots don't mind going through the morning traffic?" Chad said.

"Sorry Chad, Bas had a traumatic erectile dysfunction. It's really bad." Jay said.

"Guys, I need a pee bottle. I pee a lot." Bas said.

"There is no way you are peeing inside my car. You better hold it in, or else we are leaving you." Chad said.

"But..." Bas said.

"Can we just get going already, jeez you ladies are so hard to handle." Chase said.

We made a move on, and miraculously missed the morning traffic jam at the highway. Jay opened a can of beer, and offered one to everyone. "Breakfast guys." He said.

"You are something else, Jay Larkin." Chase said.

"I want to be sober when we get to Subali." Chad said.

We were near Subali, but we decide to go for a quick pit stop in a nearby gas station since Bas was begging, well more of whining, that he needed to pee. Plus we needed gas. They all went down for a smoke, but I stayed in the car with Chase. "You excited for tonight?" Chase said.

"Yeah I am, are you? I hope we get to see the girls tonight." I said.

"Yeah, there's one friend of theirs that I really find cute. I'm a bit excited as well." He said.

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