Oh my God

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(at Starbucks)
"Want anything?" You asked your new boyfriend. "I'll just have the usual again." He says, reaching for his wallet in his back pocket. "And I'll have the same thing, with a chocolate muffin. Oh and babe, you don't have to pay. It my gift." You said, ordering to put his wallet back into is back pocket and gave him a warm smile. "You sure?" He asked. "I'm 100% positive." You say, pulling out a 10 dollar bill. "Here you two love birds go. And hey Max, break her heart, I'll break you. Mentally and physically." Stacy said, handing us our drink and we shared a laugh. "Was she serious?" Max asked, looking at you with worry in his eyes. You look back him and put your hand on his check. Then you giggled. "Fror as long as I knew Stacy, she's never serious. But this time, I think she is." You threaten him, looking into is chocolate eye then gave him a peck on the lips. "Then I think we shouldn't date. Just for mine and your safety. Especially mine." He said with worry on his face while you wore a huge grin. You two the start laughing, causing everyone in the store to stare at you, but you didn't care. You two then went out of the store cause you needed to be back at campus by 2:30. It was 2:00 and you and Maxwell had to go your own ways. Before you left, Maxwell was yelling at you. "(Y/N)! Wait! You walk so fast. Anyways call me." He says. "I want to spend to spend time with you." He adds on. You smile. "I will. Now, I got to go. Love you." You say then plant a kiss his lips. He kiss back. "Bye." He yells and you wave back. You got out your phone and put on 'Milk and Cookies' by Melanie Martinez. You started dancing again, bringing a crowd of people your way. You then dance to the whole song and people started clapping and howling. You were flattered that people actually like your dancing. Anyways, you needed to get to class cause it was 2:20. You bowed to the people and started running. 'Mad Hatter' by Melanie Martinez started playing in you were in the mood for some Alice in wonderland. You fnially came to class and you had a test on signing. You weren't ready for the test so you went in blind. You came in class, EVER looking at you. "Late again?" The teacher asked you. "Mr. I can explain." You say. "I don't want to hear it. Just take your seat." The teacher said, pointing at your seat. You went to your seat, and you were sitting beside Brooklyn. A few minutes in and it was Brooklyn's turn. She sang 'Best Mistake' by Ariana Grande and she was awesome. You were the only one clapping at her performance and then started giggling went see came back to her seat. "What's so funny, (Y/N)?" The teacher asked. You stopped giggling. "Nothing, sir." You say. "Well, now that you find something so funny, it your turn." The teacher said. You got up out of your seat and walked up to the front. You sang 'Stronger than you'd Frisk ver. Since it was the first song on your mind. And you did and awesome job.

"I don't know why I got into. Somehow I can't go back even if I wanted to, so what more can I do?
Here at the end it's just me and you.
I never wanted to play by all the rules, a knife in hand, I'm playing the part of the fool.
So here we go, you can judge me thoroughly.
It's to late for apologies."

After finishing that part of the song, your phone vibrates in your back pocket. It couldn't be Maxwell because he knew you had class. It wasn't Brooklyn because she was doodling in her sketchbook. 'who could be texting me?' You thought to yourself.

"Go ahead and just hit me since you're able. You know my determination isn't stable.
I'm not even mad because I keep on dying. But I don't know why I'm even trying.
This isn't what I want, yet it's what I asked for. Curiosity over all my mortals.
I took away I perfect, happy ending.
Resting the world, despite the waring."

Your phone vibrates again. 'can this person stop?' You thought to yourslef, getting annoyed.

"Right now, I'm made o-o-o-o-of l-o-o-o-ove, o-o-o-o-of l-o-o-o-ove, o-o-o-o-of l-o-o-o-ove."

Your phone vibrates once more. You just leave it alone.

"I know who you are. You remembered who I am.
We knew that once in a timeline, we grown to be good friends.
But yet I killed your brother, without giving him a chance.
Every time you throw me down, I hope you kill em once again."

You sang the whole song, with tears filling your eyes. Then, a tear came rolling from you check cause you thought of Jason in the process. You tried not to cry but you failed. You finished the song and almost immediately asked the teacher to go to the washroom. He said yes, and you ran out of the class. You entered the washroom and started to bawl your eyes out until a girl came in. You wiped your tears and grabbed your phone from your back pocket. Someone was texting you and you didn't know who. The number, you didn't know. You opened the message.

T: why hello, (Y/N). Hows your day been. Mine was great.

T: I see you have a new boyfriend. You have to tell me about him.

Y: Who are you and how did you get my number?

T: Never mind that. Remember me? Does Andres ring a bell?

Andres... ANDRES! He was a kid who had a crush on you since kindergarten. You thought he was weird, so you didn't date him. He was there in your summer camp, watching your every move. And now his back? But how did he get my phone number?

Y: Andres? From summer camp?

T- That's me baby.

Y: again, how did you get my number?

T: Let's just say a special someone gave it to me.

Who thought?

Y: Who?

T- Maxwell. And let's just say I have him.


T- Fine. You have untill 12 midnigt to come to this address. If you dont...


T: If you don't, say good bye to your lover, Maxwell.

Y: What do you want from me?

T: A kiss.

Y: Are you crazy?

T: Nah. I just checked and I found out that I still have all my sanity. So I'm positive that I'm not crazy.

Y: Fine. Just, please don't hurt him.

T- Are you gonna come?

Y: Yes.

'WHY?! WHY?! Why can't I just live a good life? Well, if he want a kiss, he'll get a kiss.'

Y: what the address?

T- 5241 carrayway Rd. Come alone.

Y: Creep.

And with that, you went back to class, with worry on your face. "What's worng?" Brooklyn asked. You put you head down and your eyes glued to the floor.


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