Please, Don't Hurt Him

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(in your car)

It was 11:50 and you were inside your car. You grabed your phone and went on Maps. You typed in the address. 'Why does bad things have to happen to me and the ones I love? I just want to live a happy life. And how do you expect me to do that when there's someone on my ass 24/7. Ugh, I just want to get over this.' You thought to yourslef while Turing on your car and starting to pull out of the drive way. You put on the radio and thought it will calm you down. But it didn't. The volume was all the way up and way playing 'Team' by Iggy Alazea. You jumped to the sound of the radio and immediately turned it down. Instead, you took you AUX cord and put your favorite song, 'Poison' by Rita Ora. You sang along while driving.

I could have beer for breakfast, my sanity for lunch, trying to get over her but I want you so much.

Innocent for dinner, pour something in my cup. Anything and everything just to fill me up. But nothing gets me high like this.

I pick my Poison and it's you. Nothing could kill me like you do. You're going straight for my heart. And I'm going straight for the edge.

I pick my Poison and it's you.

You stopped singing and turned down the volume cause you know your singing is horrible. Even though people tell you you're an amazing singrr and dancer. The song kept playing and you kept driving. You had Maxwell on your mind the whole ride thinking 'whatever he does, he shouldn't hurt Maxwell. I love him and I can't afford to lose him. He's Benn there since kindergarten. Just please, don't hurt him.' You felt a tear running down your check and wiped it. You promised yourslef that you're gonna be strong the whole way through this thing called hell. You wanted Maxwell back in one piece and still breathing. Your phone started to ring. You picked it up, put in your headphones, and answered it, not even looking at the caller ID.

Y- you
A- Andres

A: "sup babe?"

Y: "Shut up, asshole. What are you gonna do with Max?"

A: "Nothing bad."
You gasped in relief. But the your heart dropped again.

A: "yet."

Y: "you bitch."

A: "Yep, that's me." He copied that from That's So Raven. (WHO ELSE REMEMBERS THATS SO RAVEN?? WHEN OUR CHILDHOOD WAS AWESOME)

A: "Anyways, you're taking forever to get here. When are you gonna get here?"

Y: "Calm your tits, women. Im almost there."

A: "Good."

Y: "Now bye. Do you want me to crash and you wouldn't get your kiss?"

A: "No ma'am."

Y: "THEN BYE!" You yelled before you hanged up. You then put back your music at a red light. You stilled wondered what he was gonna do with you and Maxwell. You just hoped that bustard called Andres won't hurt the kne you loved.

-------Time Skip brought to you by That's So Raven, Hannah Montana, Kim Possible, The Wizards of Waverly Place, and all the 2000s TV shows.------

The ride from your home to the address, so on your way, you deiced to stop a Tim Hortons (Sorry non- Canadians) and get a large hot chocolate, since it was cold as all hell (even though hell is hot. Anyways back to the story.) You arrived to the address. It was a normal looking house. 'Looks haunted by several spirits, but other than that, it looks like what an old couple would live in.' You thought to yourslef. You went up to the front step and knocked. The door opened by itself. 'yep. Definitely haunted.' you said in your head. You wen in and looked at your surroundings. 'Everything weird. Check. Old artifacts. Check. Everything you would see in a horror movie. Check.' You thought to yourslef. You explored the house and found yourslef upstairs, in the master bedroom. You saw a bed and went to the left side of the bed. A bed with a 80's looking blanket on top. You went to the right side of the bed. You saw a picture and picked it up. It had dust on it, so you wiped it off. 'A picture of your dead husband, who probably cheated on you when he was alive.' you thought then turned around. 'Another picture...of your kids, who are probably drugs addicts and now in jail. Yep.' You leaked into the bathroom and saw dried up blood on the floor. 'Your husband's blood. The place you killed him.' Your train of thinking was interpreted by screaming for downstairs and you rushed back down to the living room. You head screms again, but it wasn't in the living room. It was downstairs.

You rushed downstaris, to see Maxwell, tied to a chair, blindfolded. Above him was a a man, 5'8ish and black puffy hair, with his ends dyed red. He has a bloody knife him his hands. You put your hands over your mouth to avoid screaming. Maxwell started coughing, hard. So hard untill he coughed up blood. You felt tears running down you face. Your once eyes filled with fear, turned into eyes filled with anger. You put your hand by you side. Since you're little, you were always quite, navie, and shy, even when you're with Maxwell. You were quite. But this time, you, a shy, quite person, never thought violence was the answer to any problem. But you never let anything come between you and the one you love. You put you hands into a fist. "YOU ASSHOLE!" You yelled at Andres. You were mad. No, angry, furious, and filled with determination (undertale fans, where are you?) You were about to say something, when from the corner of you eye, Maxwell said something. "Babe *cough*, please. Don't do anything to him. If we *cough* just listen to him and do what he says, we'll be ok." He then coughed up more blood. There was basically a pool of blood around him. "Oh, (Y/N)! You finally came." Andres said, with a more than happy tone. "You're bat shit insane, Andres. And I told you not to hurt him. What part of 'Dont hurt him' do you not understand?" You said, with your jand still in a fist. "Listen to him? Max, he just made a hole in your stomach, and now you can do liposuction surgery." You said to Maxwell. "It's gonna be fine, (Y/N). Just trust me. Please?" He asked the coughed up blood. "I can't trust anyone at this point at this point. And you, spawn of Satan called Andres. What do you want?" You questioned. Andres started to walk up to you and you avoided eye contact. He was beside you, lifting your head to face him. You moved you head away from him, fast. "Awww. Come on baby, don't be trouble." He said. "All I want is some fun." Andres countiued. Andres the went to the back of Maxwell's chair, and removed his blindfolded, that almost brought you to tears. Maxwell had a black eye and a bloody nose. He look horrible. "So what exactly do you call 'fun'?" Maxwell asked the man behind him with a smirk on his face. Andres slapped him, hard. Hard enough to leave a big red mark on his face. "Don't try to be smart, pretty boy." Anders said with anger in his tone. "What do you wnat?" You asked him.

"Just some fun, really."

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