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(in the grade 5 classroom) (little kissing scene warning)
"Of course. (Y/N), do you want to be my girlfriend?" Jason asked. Your heart stopped. "Are you joking?" You asked him. He turns you to face him and holds you checks with both of his hands and brings your face closer to his, and places his soft lips on yours. Both of you close you eyes to enjoy the moment, then he released and the both of you open your eyes. "Does that answer your question?" He joked. You blushed even more. "Hey Jason?" You asked. "Yeah, babe?" He responded. ' OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! FIRST HE KISSED ME, AND NOW HE'S CALLING ME BABE!!!???? I MUST HAVE DIED AND WENT TO HEAVEN!!!' You thought to yourslef. You were felling so many things, you don't even how to feel. "Ummm...can I kiss you again?" You said, hiding your face from him. "Sure." He said. "But not here. Can't you see there is children? But here." He finished and he gave you a peck on the lips. The bell rung for the afternoon and you went back to your class. In the staircase, he said "hey babe?" You looked at him and all of a sudden, he kissed you. You kissed back and you two fell to sit down on the stairs. You two didn't care that you were going to be late for class and keep on kissing. Jason's hands found their way to the bottom of your shit and went inside your shirt and griped your body, bringing it closer to him. He stared to make his way to your neck, kissing and nibbling on you neck. He went back to kissing your lips "Come on, Jason. We're gonna get in trouble." You said in between breaths. "Why? Come on. Two more minutes." Jason asked, making a sad, puppy dog eyes. "Jason, I don't want to get in trouble. Get off me." You said pushing Jason off you and walking to class. Before entering, Jason gave you a peck on the check and said "Yo. I love you." He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. "Love you too." You said and gave him a peck on the check too. You enter the class and the whole class was looking at you. "Why are you two late?" The teacher asked. "Ummmm... while we were walking, one of the grade 2 teacher need help. So being the kind people we are, we helped." You said. "Whatever. Just go take your seat." The teacher said, the countiued his lesson. While you were jotting down notes, a paper from Jason was delivered to me. It said:

"Hey, thanks for saving my butt. I owe you one. And here's my phone number.

Love you💝💝"
You holde the note close to your heart and your heart melted.

Another hour and a half passed by and it was recess, so the school had indoor recess. You went to Maxwell's desk and sat on it as he was sitting on his chair. "Sup dork? What's new? You said. "Hey loser. Nothing much, you?" He replied. "Guess what?" You said with a big smile on your face. "What?" Max asked. "Did you not just hear me? I said guess!" You said. "Fine. You...You got a belly piercing." He joked. You pushed his shoulder. "No, dummy. Jason is now my boyfriend. And I can say we had a make out thing in the staircase." You said. Max's eyes went big. " So that's why you were late. So how was it?" Max asked with his elbow on the desk and his hand on his chin. "It was hot." You said. "Welp congratulations, (Y/N) you finally have a boyfriend in all these years." Max said, clapping. You slammed your hands on the desk "humm.... excuse me, but I had a boyfriend, in grade 3. It's just, we didn't kiss. Did you forget?" You replied, rubbing your hand because you slapped it hard. The bell rang.

-------Time Skip brought to you by Tiny Box Tim.----------

After dating Jason for about three month, you finally build enough Trust to trust Jason. He texted to meet you a the back of the school on Saturday because he said he has a 'suprise' for you. You arrived at school with a big grin on you face. Once you reached the school, you heard a noice of.....of people kissing. You didn't think it was Jason and another girl, but was it? You went closer to the noise and looked. It was Jason! Your eyes filled with tears and you thought to your slef 'why? I knew he was up to no good. Why did I fall into his trap? I'M A STRAIGHT UP IDIOT!!' You yelled in your head. 'Calm down! If you want thing to go your way, you have to take matters into your own hands.' you thought. You then wiped your tears and went up to them. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??!!" You yelled. They stopped kissing. "Ummm...babe! This is not what it looks like." Jason said, moving his hands away from the girl. "Ummmm excuse me but who are you?" The women asked. "Its none of your business's. I used to be girlfriend but now I'm not." You said wiping the tears from my eyes. You ran and didn't look back because Jason was calling your name. You finally got back home and headed straight to my room, going on your phone and texting Maxwell, telling him to come ASAP! He questioned why, but you just told him to come.

In a few minutes, Maxwell was already on the side of your bed and petting your head. "What did I tell you, (Y/N)? I told you he was no good, but NOPE! You don't listen to me. Nobody does. Well watever, you need to get over him and women up!" He said. You giggled when he said 'women up.' You got up and out of bed, wiping the tears off my face. "But he said he loves me." You said before the both of you went to McDonald's to buy smoothies. "He said this, he said that. (Y/N)! You need to erase him from you mind ok. Unless you want to stay broken forever, he needs to be GONE from you mind." He responded. "You're right. I'll erase him." You said, trying to meditate. Max was laughing. "I'm always right." He joked. "Now, do you want him?" He asked

"No, I don't."

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