Let's Dance, Baby

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(at the dorms)
"You tease." Is all you heard from Mark on the other side of the closed door. You then went into a fit of laughter when he started banging in the door. "Ah ah ah...no coming in this time, Mark." You said. You then heard a slight laugh from the other side.

You didint find your lotion because of someone, *cough* Mark *cough*, so instead of going back out, you went into Brooklyn's closest and you found her Japanese Cherry blossom lotion form Bath and Body Works. You took off you towel and started to apply lotion. Once done, you put on your pink lace underwear and matching bra. After, you went to your full length mirror and looked at yourslef.
'I got nice curves, if I do say so myself.' you thought then chuckled. You then went to your closet and picked out your black crop top with log sleeves, and your long black skirt that only reached under your belly button. (As seen in picture above.) You put on the clothes, and imediately went to your suitcase to look for your jewelry. You found small gold hoops, a gold necklace that has your your name in cursive letters. You also found 3 good bracelets, and a gold butterfly for your belly pricing. (YES BITCH! YOU HEARD ME RIGHT! YOU GOT GOLD IN YO BELLY!) You applied everything and then went back to Brooklyn's closet. You found her black flats, and her makeup kit. You ran back to your full length mirror, and applied a little makeup, red lipstick and you put on a little of black eye shadow. You then went back outside to meet up with Mark.

You found him, sitting on the dining table, with text books covering his face. "Ummmm....hello? You know we have a boyfriend to save, right?" You said, grabbing Mark's attention. He pulled his head from the Text books to look at you.

"Wow....(Y/N), you look beautiful!" He said, with big eyes. You then did a 360 (NO SCOPE! I'm sorry. I just wanna become a snipper already!) For him to give him a good view. "Awww, thank you." You said, then blushed. "Anyways, STOP IT! Are you coming or not?" You asked him. "If I do, will you give me the answer to questions 5,6,7,8?" Mark asked. "Hell no!" You said. "Fine then I'm not coming." Mark said, crossing his arms over his riped body. "Fine, I will." You said. After, you went behind his chair and whispered, "Now, either you get your lazy ass up and help me, or sit here and I'll do it myself. After I'm done, I'll hurt you in ways that haven't been invented. Ok?" You then grinned and moved Mark's chair, causing him to fall backwards. "Fine, I'm coming." He said, then rubbed his head. "Thanks boo." You said, sounding like a hill vally girl. The both of you chuckled at your comment, then you helped him get back on his feet. He went into his dorm after. 10 minutes has passed and Mark came back with a red flannel on, black jeans, and a pair of black Jordans. 'He does look attractive.' You thought to yourslef while bitting your bottom lip.

"Wow Mark...for the first time in a long time, you actually good." You said, following a chuckle from you. "Thanks, I tried." He said. "Anyways, where are we going? I'll drive." He said. "Honestly, I don't know. " You said, then pulling out your phone from your pures. You what on messages and texted Andres.

Y- you
A- Andres.

Y: yo! Where are we meeting?

A: 365 allystone Rd.

Y: thanks.

You turned off you phone and put it back inside your purse. A few seconds later, your phone buzzed.

A: ummmm, excuse me? Don't think I'm letting you off the hook like that.

Y: what do you mean?

A: I wanna see what you're wearing. I wanna see what my bae looks like.

Y: I ain't your bae. And I'm not seding you a photo of me.

A: fine be like that! I bet you'll if I do something to your little Maxwell, right?"

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