You're Crazy

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(At the old house)

"What do you mean?" You asked Andres. He looked frustrated, so you thought you should keep on asking questions. "What are we gonna do?" You asked with a 4 year olds voice, that annoyed him more. "Are we going out? What are you gonna do with Maxwell? When can I-" You got cut off by Andres, yelling. "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT WOMAN! CAN YOU JUST STOP WITH THE QUESTIONS?" Andres snapped. You let out a giggle, so did Maxwell. You held you hand up to you chest, and walked backwards. "Calm your tits, girl." You said, following another giggle from you and Maxwell. Andres look annoyed enough, so you stopped. Andres look and Maxwell, still giggling. Andres slapped Maxwell again, on the other check, leaving and other red mark. "Ok. Now, me and you are going out." Andres said, trying to keep clam. "You're crazy. First you tie up my boyfriend, then you want me to go out with you? You being crazy confirmed." You said, letting out another laugh. Andres had a smirk on his face. "What's with the smirk?" You asked and stopped laughing. "Oh, nothing. I forgot to tell you both. When Max here was out cold-" you interpreted Andres speech. "No shit, bitch! You gave him a black eye!" You said. "When Max here was out cold, me on the other hand, with my technical skills, I installed a chip into his upper arm." He said, trying to ignored your comment. Andres held up a bottom. "With a press of the button, the chip shocks him. And for a long time. So everytime you disrespect, don't do what I say, and just throw shade at me, I shock your precious Maxwell." Andres countiued. "Yep, crazy confirmed." You said, with a little anger in your tone. Andres pushed the button, and Maxwell started to yell in pain. You watch tearfully as your lover got shocked in the arm. "STOP!" You yelled at Andres, but Maxwell was still in pain. "Fine. Fine. I'll go with you to your so called 'date'. Where are we going?" You asked, wiping tears on your checks. He stops shocking Maxwell and Maxwell tries to wipe the tears on his check.

"You like dancing?" Andres asked, with a sly smirk on his face. "What kind? Salsa?" You said with a grin on you face. You had a plan. You were gonna follow and act like you were having a good time. You knwo he's gonna tell you to go back home and get dressed. So, while you're leaving, you're gonna leave that pocket knife you had in your back pocket for Maxwell. As you're so called "partying", Maxwell is gonna set himslef free, and you're gonna text him where you're at. You don't know really what to do after that, well highly likely going to fight. Not to mention, your dad was an assassin, so he teached you and Maxwell some moves. Maxwell and you were in karate class, so that's a bonus. Maxwell doesn't really know about the plan and that you're gonna act, so it might end up a win lose situation. Win part is that Andres might end up somewhere nowhere near you and Maxwell. Bad part is that Maxwell doesn't know about the plan, and he might think you're actually taking a liking into Andres. 'Welp. Let's just hope it goes right.' You thought.

Your train of thought got interpreted by Andres waving his hand in front of your face. "Hello?" He asked the giggled. "Huh? What did you say?" You replied, looking like you're in a different world. "I said go back home and change into something nice." Andres sadi with a slight grin on his face. You nodded to him and went back to your car. You took the AUX cord again, plugged in your phone and put on 'Best Thing I Ever Had' by Beyoncé. You turn down the volume and you starting to sing along the chorus

Thank God you blew it. Thank God I dodged a bullet. I'm so over you, so good lookin' out.

I won't let you back. I so through with that. 'cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I ever had.

You turned out to be the best thing I ever had.

You hummed the second part of the song, and you found yourslef in Starbucks, getting the usual and drinking it the rest of the way home. You sang the ending of the song.

I know you what me back, it's time to face the facts.

That I'm the one that's got away. Lord knows that it will take another place,

Another time,

Another world,

Another life.

Thank God I found the good in goodbye.

I won't let you back I'm so through with that, 'cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I ever had.

You hummed the rest of the song, reaching to your dorm. It was raining hard, so you ran back to your dorm. You grabbed the handle, and twist. But it was locked. 'The door is never locked. probably cause it's the weekend.' you thought. You got out your key, and unlocked the door. You went inside and closed the door, sliding down the door to sit. You ran your hand through your now wet harm and thought 'if Maxwell does his part right, and doesn't fuck up, this plan will work. If not, this plan is gonna be booty hole. Not like your everyday booty hole, Kim K booty hole. Yeah, it's gonna be that bad' (I probably triggered alot of people out there. I JUST HAD TO PUT IT IN!)

You ran to your room and closed the door. You stripped out of you clothes and wrapped your towel that was a little above your knees, around you. You then got what you need, soap, facial cleanser, makeup, hair spray, blow dryer, and your coca butter lotion. But your lotion wasn't there. You looked for it everywhere and nothing, untill your remembered, Brooklyn took it, and left it in God knows where. You ran outside, looking, in the washroom, nothing. Living room, nothing. Last place wast the kitchen. You checked the cupboard, nothing. You keped on searching, FUCKING NOTHING!

Mark's P.O.V (I know this is weird, but I want spices thing up. Hope you like it)

I was the only one at the dorms, sitting at the dinning table, studying for an upcoming test. I was in the studying mode untill I heard the front door open the close. I forgot I locked the door, I didn't want anyone to disturb me, so I locked the door. I looked to see who it was, it was (Y/N). Her hair was wet and she looked stressed out. She sat at the front for a bit, before dashing to her room. I didn't bother to say "hi" 'cause I didn't want to bother her. So I kept quiet, hoping she didn't notice me. Looks like she didn't. (NOTICE ME SENPAI)
I went back to study mode again, untill I snapped out of it because of (Y/N) room door. I looked up at her and saw her in a towel, that only reached little above her knee. To say the least, I wasnt complaining. She look kinda sexy. I mentally slapped my slef. 'MARK, YOUR CREEP! You already know she has a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend. You gotta stop staring at her... even though she looks so fine with only a towel, her big breasts almost jumping out of the towel. I just what to take that towel away from her and bend her over the kitchen counter. MARK STOP!' I thought. But really, she's a really pretty girl and she's smart. I kept looking at her, bending over, looking for god knows what under the couch. I think I was a little booty. I couldn't help myself. I need her. 'I. NEED. HER!' (Y/N) then went to kitchen, still not noticing my existence. I kept looking at her untill I felt my pants get tighter. I looked down to see a very noticeable bulge, that I don't know how to hide from (Y/N)! 'Im in BIG trouble!' (get it? BIG trouble? No? I'll just go die in a hole somewhere😭)
I could help myslef. I needed (Y/N). So my dumbass, went into the kitchen. I found (Y/N), looking up, on her toes, looking at the tall cupboard. A bit of booty was showing.

I know this was so long! But please forgive me reader-chan! I was out and about, so no internet, no wattpad. But please bear with me here. Hope y'all like the book. I personally think it's trash. ANYWAYS, BYEEEEE

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