chapter six

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This chapter is dedicated to my best girl friends ever. I'll pit their wattpad names in the author's note


"Look you're welcome to stay for the party but I have to go get ready now. It's just what you're aaying kinda- no not kinda really creeps me out."
I turn and walk away and hear him curse under his breath. It's a shame honestly all the hot guys are mentally insane these days at least that's what it feels like.


She walked away and I currsed. I know she heard it to. I'm running out of time.i knew it would be difficult but that's not adding the fact that I just found out that there's going to be an uninvited guest at the party well besides me. I need to hurry she could be in danger.


"Hey abby sorry that took so long I" I look up and see my old time friend Isabella. "Oh my goodness hey a isabella it's forever! You have no idea how much I've missed you. How's Nebraska?" She looks at me with sad eyes. "Not the same without you and Abby. Oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce you to my stepsister Bianca. Bianca these were my best friends before my mom and brothers moved out to live with your family. This is Carina and this is Abby." It wasn't until she introduced us to Bianca that I noticed her and I felt so bad at that moment I had no words and then she started talking to me. "Hi nice to meet you both." She is almost ecactly like Isabella. "Hi nice to meet you." Abby and I say in unison. No wonder were told we could be sisters. Just I couldn't be happier to have some of of my girlfriends with me besides just one I hear a very loud "what's up my honkie!?" I knew precisely what I had to say and do next. "I'm not a honkie I'm your boarder crosser." Then I turned around and we both did our shoulder role thing. We got really into it so into it that Abby tapped my shoulder to let me know that I still had to get dressed. "Right I'll be right back everyone."


I haven't known willow as long because she got here after I left to another school in seventh. I left right after Isabella left. But over the few years since I've come back I've gotten to know her better and I really like her. Any weird person I can respect.


I remember when I came to my first day of school and the first friend that really brought me out of my shell was Carina and now here I am at her sixteenth birthday party. She's really gotten me through alot.


I thought that I'd give it another to try to make her see that she isn't normal. So I star talking over to where she and her friends are. About half way there I realized that she wasn't with her friends which to me seemed not normal. So I started panicking when I noticed her friends staring at one spot in the room. I also look over and there she is standing in the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. It was a blue and flow on the bottom, it had a black sparkle like belt on it and a plain black top. Not to mention she looked stunning in it. I was to lost in my mind to notice that the party had already started. Seriously how long had I been standing there?


It's about three hours into the party and I haven't seen that guy sage anywhere which is good but I also haven't seen Jason anywhere which is bad in its own way. Then out of the blue someone comes from behind and starts tickling me. I turn around and see Jason and my heart just stops. "Hey I'm glad you could make it!" I yelled over the music. He just takes my hand and leads outside.


I saw Jason taking carina outside and a part of me felt more jealous than I've ever been. And tears threaten to fall from my eyes.


We go out into the garden and Jason starts talking. "Carina you now for the longest time I've had a major-" I cut him off when I see a big flash of light and a person that that I don't know standing in the middle of it. The light fades and and the person steps towards me. Jason gets in front of me and she laughs. "You can't help her mortal." And being the person he is he starts a huge deal about how she freaky and things heated real quick. "I could take you in you're sleep grandma!" "Oh yeah I highly doubt it." I started getting really angry and could hold it in amymore. "Just stop it!" Suddenly Jason just stands there. "Well done carina I see your match has taught you well." I just stand there confused trying to find words when they just come. "Look I don't who you are, I don't know why you're here, I don't know what training you're talking about, and I most certainly dot know who my "match" is." She just continue to stand there
"I see you must have gotten a dud match. I'm Josefina, I'm here because I have unfinished business with your real family, I'm talking about your magic training not just anyone van pull of a spell like you did so early in there magic years, and your match is that boy inside that youyou called a freak. Does that explain alot or do I need to break it down more?" I start to respond bit get cut off bu that Sage guy. "I'll take it from here. Look Josefina you could give her some time to at least learn how to fight back. Oh wait I forgot your to shallow." Wow he actually kinda is hot now that I see he wasn't kidding. "I Gove her two months before I return. Until then I leave you with this" She took something out of her pocket and threw it at me. It almost hot but sage caught it. I guess he has great reflexes to. She gave us a pouty lip and then vanished. "Let's go from now on you spend whatever time you have with me just for precaution and we start training in the morning." He walked inside and did something with his hand and everyone went back to normal. I ran up to him. "Hey what was that you can't order me around and walk away without explaining anything!" He turned around with a sudden anger in his eyes. "Do I need to spell it out for you. You are magic you're not normal. You're parents aren't who they say they are and Josefina is after you as rented you only have two months to learn how to use you're magic!" I stand ther startled and just when he was asrentnfbout to apologize my parents decided to take the stage and give me their last present besides taking the day of work. As soon as he thinks I'm distracted he walks away leaving a peice of paper in my hand. I dot have time to look at it though before my parents call me on stage. I walk up and get the keys to my first car and I'm thrilled but still curious and confused as to what is going on.

Hey guys so my friends wattpad names are right here make sure to go and check them out





Make sure to coment and vote until next time my t-t bears 😎

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