the end part 1 of 2

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It'd been about a week sick my last encounter with Josefina just two weeks left. Isabella and Willow were out of searching for more people to help fight because apparently Josefina is stronger now than ever. "Well I have good news and bad news." I looked up and Sage stood over the arm of the couch. I shifted my body so I was facing him. "The bad news first." He sighed. "You leaving Justin was enough to throw him over the edge. He's now fighting with Josefina." That scared me slightly. I know that he'll come looking for me when she strikes. "The good news?" He smiled. "You've officially finished training." I sighed in releif. "Good if I have to do one more of those silly charms I'm going to explode." He chuckled and settled down beside me. "In regards to who I'm in love with." I waited in anticipation but it stayed silent. "Who is it?" More silence. "Sage if you don't-" "shhhhh. Someone's in the house I can't tell where though. Stay here." I nodded. He got up and went into the bedroom first. Suddenly the front door flew open. My head jerk ed over to where someone started to walk in. I quickly got up and moved over to hide behind the couch. All was silent but then someone yanked me up by the hair. I tried using an incantation but all my attacker was laugh. "I was expecting my brother to be here but this is even better. Oh and I would stop with the magic I have a charm in that deflects your's and your trainor's." Recognized the voice as Justin's. He threw me on the couch and held me there with almost no trouble at all. "I'm finally going to get what I've wanted since we started dating." He said leaning down to kiss me.


I walked into the room and Noone was there. I heard the door behind me close and lock. "I was expecting to see my niece but I guess Justin is having his fun with her downstairs. I turned around and saw Josefina.  Isabella, Willow, or Abby if you have made any progress now would be a good time to head back with whoever you have managed to sway to our side! I thought as I lunged toward Josefina.she disappeared and I unlocked the door and ran downstairs. There she was on the couch struggling to get out of Justin's hold. "Get off her now!" I yelled anger filling up my veins. "Why Noone else was getting anywhere." At that point I thought screw magic and attacked him. She got up off the couch and stood by the corner.


"Could you message any slower? The most powerful being is probably dying due to a lack of training she only had two months and is being attacked two weeks early!" Willow looked over at me. "Calm your shorts small child. Sage is with her." I scoffed. "Oh like that player isn't already occupied with Adrianna already!" Willow didn't stop there though. "For your information Justin was going to beat her to death. He's now on the evil side. Abby switched sides again and Sage broke up with Adrianna." I looked at her shocked for a moment. "Good for him but this person in front of us here needs to hurry up his messaging thingamabobby so she doesn't flipping die!" The person we managed to track down looked up at us. "The message was sent and I received a reply. The entire bright side of the magic world is on our side." I looked at him my smile so big I'm surprised it didn't impale Willow. "Well what are you two waitong for let's go!"


Josefina appeared right in front of me. "Good work my little pet." I rolled my eyes. I'm probably the first to do that in her presece. "You just don't get it do you josefina I'm done, finished, through with you. I can't hurt her anymore. You're on your own but trust me you won't get far. You Wanna know why? Because I know something you don't." Those the words I gave her before I went to go and save Sage's rear end.

I appeared at his house and he was fist fighting with his brother and Carina was in the corner looking terrified. I managed to get Sage of off Justin long enough to teleport to a secret that not even josefina knows about.


Abby came and we were gone just like that. "Sage I don't how to thank you." He shook his head. "Like this" I didn't know what he meant until his lips were crashing onto mine. At that moment I realized I never wanted to leave his side.

Hey guys so coming to end the chapter before the end anyway. What did you think comment and don't forget to vote. Until next time.

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