a spark

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Our days later


"So what happened between you and my best friend? I mean I thought you said we had to camcentrate on josefina." Sage looked over at me and rolled his eyes. "No you need to you see unlike you I know how to handle myself. And where are you going we have training just because it's Friday doesn't mean you get to skip out training for three hours every day except on weekends we make it five remember?" It was once again m turn to roll my eyes. "I have a date with Jason tonight can I please skip out tonight please." He sighed "fine. Just tonight." "Thanks I gotta go bye." I walked out and Jason was already there. He got out of his car and came and hugged me. "You look gorgeous." I just giggled. I had a on a plain black t-shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and flats. "Come on let's get going." We were going to the movies. Not really we were actually going to his to have a Stephen King movie marathon.


I saw her get into his car and knew that I would work harder to make her jealous.


We were in the middle of The Shinning. And for some reason I jumped. I guess I just get scared easily. Anyway I jumped and he put his arm around me. I let him keep it there it felt. I leaned my head on his chest and we stayed like for the rest of time. Two movies later it was time to go. We got to my house. "I had fun tonight." He looked at me melting my hear t with his chocolate brown eyes. "Me to. Goodnight." He drove and I went inside planning on going straight to bed. When I walked in I saw abby and sage pretty much asleep on the couch. The tv was still on. They were Keeping Up With the Kardashions. I know Abby didn't watch that so it must have come on after they gave up on the tv. I just walked upstairs took a shower. I got out of the shower and realized I forgot my pj's. So I wrapped my towel around my body and walked back into my room. I barely got out before I noticed sage sitting at my desk. "Have fun with jason?" I almost jumped out of my skin seeing him there. "Jesus Sage!!!! Haven't you ever heard of knocking!? I could've not had a towel on." He looked at me genuinely surprised and then looked at the wall. "Sorry I just assumed you already had clothes on. Look I just wanted to talk about your training." That reminded me of what I had been meaning to tell him. "Look I actually was wondering if I could have a couple of days to practice the last lesson I'm still having trouble with it." He almost turned around I'm guessing forgetting I was standing in a towel. "Look get some clothes on and IL l see if I can help I'll get a glass of water while your doing that." I grabbed my pj's from my drawer and went back into the bathroom to change. When I came back out he was sitting in the same place with a glass of water on the floor. "Alright let's see if we can find out what your doing wrong." I walked up to the cup and started thinking about controlling the water. It rose a little but fell back into the cup. "Your too tense relax." I tried relaxing a bit but the same outcome came about. "Try again." I did as he told me too but still the same thing happened. "Here let me help you start." I did and he got out of the chair came behind me and grabbed my wrist. I instantly relaxed. I tried the water with his guidance. And I rose out of the cup and wnet into the flower pot on my desk. We stayed that way and his hand found mine somehow and I looked up into his eyes. Then he let go probably realizing that we were both in a relationship. "Um I think you get tense when you do your magic in front of others. So just imagine no one watching and me halting you with the motions." I nodded and he left my room. That was really weird I felt something like a spark of electricity between us. A connection. I thought. Then I banished the thought and crawled j to bed.


She felt something to I can tell not just cause I can read minds I could see it in her eyes. She probably will just forget about it though.

Hey guys I hoped you liked it. What do you want to happen next comment down below and vote until next time.

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