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I ran into the house with tears staining y cheeks. I knew that Sage was upstairs so I wipe my eyes. And walk up the stairs. I entered my room and sage was sitting in my desk chair. "Is something wrong?" He asked getting out of my chair. I guess my eyes were still red. "I broke up with Jason he cheated on me with Abby." He pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry." I nodded in his head. He gently lifted my chin up so he could see my eyes. "You know I could treat you better than he ever could." We remained silent until I decided to tell him how I felt. "Sage I don't if you feel the same but I need to tell you this. After spending the time I have with you I think that I'm falling for you." He smiled. "Carina I've been keeping an eye on you for awhile and I already have fallen for you." We were about to kiss when we heard the door open. Afraid it was my parents we pulled away. We both went downstairs to greet who we thought were my parents. But I was more disappointed to see that it was Abby. Anger instantly filled my body. "What are you doing here come to rub in my face that you stole my boyfriend and cheated on Sage!" I all but yelled. She winced and seemed to have genuine saddens in her eyes. "No. I didn't I've liked him for awhile. And I came to tell you that I can't be your friend anymore. Um I'm like Sage and I work with Josefina. If I could I wouldn't but my parents made a deal with her. So I have to. But I want to warn you the day she comes is going to be a week before the time is up. I'm sorry I truly am." Sage's eyes were filled with anger. "How could you. Go behind your friend's back and work with the person who's trying to kill and most of all deceiving me. I would get out before I do something I may regret." She nodded her eyes looking colder than ever. She put her hands together and a bright light filled the room then she was gone. "We might consider extending our training hours a little bit. But that can wait." We went back upstairs to my room and just sat down to talk. "Can we not talk about my training not tonight at least. He nodded getting up. Once I stood up he pulled me in for an embrace. We stayed like for a little. Then he lowered down to mine for a quick kiss. Once it was over he started walking out of my room. "I love you Carina." He walked out before I could say I loved him back.


I couldn't contain my smile. Carina said she was falling for me. The only problem is that she's not safe here anymore. The only way is to take her to Durben. I contemplate other options for awhile but eventually decide shell be safer with other people like us. Good people. I walk into her room and she's still awake but talking on the phone. She glances up and smiles. "I'll call you back in a second Willow." She hangs up and gets up to come and hug me. "What's up?" I don't how I'm going to tell her. "We have to go to Durben. You'll be safe you can by to your friends but we need to go. Please."


I could see in his eyes he thought of other ways but settled on this one. "Alright. But what about my adoptive parents?" He looked like he was to cry he could see this was going to hurt me. "Durben is a place for magical beings only. I'm sorry but your parents can't enter." I nod my head on sadness. "Goodnight we leave in the morning." He leans down and kisses the top of my head. "Night I love you." He turns to me and gives a sad smile. I crawl back into bed and pick my phone up. "Hello?" "Hey guys." I decided to have a three way call with Isabella and Wiloow. I can tell Bianca to just because I know she'll be with Isabella those two are inseparable. "Hey!" They both are so happy right now. "Um I don't want to waste time so I'm cutting to the chase now. I have to move. I'm not sure where. Or when I'll be able you all again but I wanted to call and say goodbye." They all gasped then to unavoidable question popped up. "Wait why isn't Abby talking with us then?" "Um something happened. I started dating Jason but he cheated on me with her so we aren't talking." "Oh that makes sense. Well I know for a fact that we all miss you. Yeah mom I'm coming. Sorry guys k gotta go my mom wants me to go to the mall with her" we all say our goodbyes to Isabella. "Well I should go too I leave tomorrow. Bye Willow." "Bye Rina"


The next morning Carina is all packed and ready to go. I told her parents when they got home so they're all saying their goodbyes. "We need to get going." She turns and nods. I give her my hand and she takes it. I closed eyes and we disappear into thin air. We arrive at my house in no time. "Welcome to my humble abode." She giggles. And goes along with the acting. "It's so charming" We both break out into laughter.


I like this side of Sage. The side that's completely carefree almost. "Hey Sage long time no see." A guy emerges from the the hall. I start blushing because I don't think he expected me to be coming. "Dude go get clothes on there's a girl here you can't just be walking around in nothing but your boxers!" The man ignores Sage's words and comes over to me. "You must be Carina the one to save us all." He took my hand in his and shook before letting it linger for awhile. "You got lucky you have Sage here as your trainor." He let's go of my hand and Sage pulls me to his side. She also is my girlfriend." The boy looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry dude. And Carina I didn't even introduce myself I'm Justin Sage's roommate." I nod and give him a smile. Sage shows me my room and then we head to our new training spot. A girl comes out and jumps on Sage's back. "Right um Carina this is Adrianna. A friend of mine." I nod but then she chimes in. "Oh Sage don't be so modest. Hi you must be Carina Sage's trainee. Like he said I'm Adrianna. And I'm more than just a close friend I'm his girlfriend." I felt as if I was about to faint.

Hey guys. So what do you think about this chapter. Leave it in the comments. Do t forget to vote. Until next time.

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