that would have never happened

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"Come on Carina just let me explain." I was getting tired of his crap. "Fine explain away it doesn't change the fact that even if she wasn't before she is now." I say shooting Lazer into his chest silently smiling because I can mentally see him burning alive. "OK. Here it goes. You see before I left to watch over you we were going out. We'll if you could call saying we were together in the sixth grade going out. That's not the point though. The point is she couldn't let go because it wasn't right I felt very attracted to you after the first year. So I broke it off she just couldn't let go. So when she saw us together she decided that she would say we were together and now I can't just break it off." That was a white lie but I let it be. If he wants to play dumb let him play dumb. "Whatever Sage. Just let go we're officially dead. Besides I'm going out to lunch with your brother." I heard grumble a few curse under his breath. "Fine let the happy couple Jarina do whatever the heck they want." He qas catching on and I couldn't let him know the truth. "We're not going out but if we were that would be a great ship name. Maybe you are useful." He just sat the there glaring daggers into my face probably imagining how horrible I look drenched in blood. "I bet your not even training." I smirked. "Actually I am and I know more than when you were teaching me I bet if Josefina attacked me today I would get away without a scratch." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever." I felt someone put their arm over my shoulder. "You ready?" I looked at Justin and nodded my head. We started walking out the door when Sage yelled, "Have fun Jarina!" Justin closed the door and looked at me. Catching me mid eye roll. "He thinks we're dating doesn't he." I looked at him. "He suspects doesn't mean he knows. Should we tell him?" He shook his head. "Better if he doesn't for us and for him." I nod my head.


"Look at them. She moves on so qiickly. We need to do something she starts school in a couple days. And I can't have her being more popular than I am. Akira are you even listening?" My idiotic best friend looks at me clearly not hearing a word I just said. "Sorry Adrianna what did you say?" I role my eyes thwack the back of her head. "Akira if you weren't to busy making goo goo eyes at Justin you would know that I said when the weekend is over she starts going to our school and we need to show her who runs it." She looks at me understanding something for once in her life. "Oh wait what color is pink?" I face palm myself. Sometimes I don't know why I like her. I lift my head up and see something very interesting. "Akira I think we've got some dirt on little miss power over there." Akira looks in the directions and gasps. Clearly seeing what I'm seeing. "I honestly for once was joking. I knew she hadn't gotten over Sage but I guess even those who know it all get it wrong sometimes."


I look over and see Adrianna and what looks like a friend starring at me taking pictures. I decide I need to go and rip that pretty little phone out of her hand and smash it to peices. But just as I'm getting up I hear a window break. Thinking it was some kids learning how to levitate so I keep walking. "Well if it isn't my favorite magical being." I turn around and come face to face with Josefina. "Hello Josefina." She looks and me with those evil, scheming eyes of hers. "Are you ready to get beat again. I'm quite honestly surprised you survived the last one. I'm about to perform a sheild spell when she picks me up off the ground. "Oh Carina you should know better." She makes something that looks like a ball of fire and hurls it at me. It hits me in the chest and I fall to the ground my world going black once again.


I launch myself at Josefina but before I could even touch her she disappears. Safer here my butt. I pick up Carina ad walk out. She feels cold and I'm just praying she not dead.

Back at the house

"If she had just gotten over herself and accepted that I am with Adrianna again this wouldn't have happened!" I was getting mad he qas going on and on about how this his fault. "Well maybe if you would stop acting like a little high school drama queen dump Adrianna try to mend your relationship she would have had some more protection than just her boyriend!"

Hehe a cliffhanger comment what you though and don't forget to vote.

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