the end part 2 of 2

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The kiss made me realize I wanted to be with him forever. "Sage I-" He cut me off. "Shhhhh I hear something. Stay here let me check it out." I stopped him. "No its a trap she wants to get you in a room by yourself so that she can use you against me." He nodded reluctantly. I got up and walked into a spare room. "Well that was unexpected. I honestly expected my idiotic brother to fall for it thinking he can save you from her. No matter that just means I can finish what I started." I almost asked what he meant before it hit me. I tried running but he cast a spell that bound my wrists and feet together. "Now what's the fun in running it won't take long and you won't have to deal with it after because you'll be dead." He picked me up and pinned me against a wall. He inhaled the scent of my hair deeply. "I always thought you chose a good smell." I started shaking and his hands started wandering. I took a risk and screamed. "SAGE!"


I was going to follow her but a familiar voice sounded behind me. "Don't worry it's not me in there." I whipped coming face to face with Josefina. "Please don't hurt her take me instead." I all but begged. "You really as dumb as you look. I'm not about to let my neice, the most powerful being around, live so she can defeat me. I'm going to kill her, but don't worry you'll join her soon after your brother is finished with her." I glared at her before I heard carina scream. "SAGE!" I turned around and Josefina was gone. I whipped back around and bounded up the stairs. I burst through he door and saw my brother had Carina pinned against the wall. "Let her go." He did as he was told which surprised me a little. "You know I will never be able to finish this plus I'm more of a loner anyway. I'm through with all people." Those were his last words to me before he disappeared. "I'm finding Josefina stay here."


I just stared at him. "Sage this is my fight bot yours I'm coming with you." He shook his giving off the sense that he wasn't going to change his mind. I reluctantly nodded my head. He turned and left me in the house all by myslef.
I had only been there for a few minutes when a blue smoke came onto the room. I was frozen in place and also trapped. The smoke took the form of two people. "Carina dear. Before you go jumping to conclusions we need to explain. Your father and I are presumably dead. Obviously we're not. We wanted to think we were in order to hide and protect not only you but ourselves and the entire magical realm. But now we've come back." I almost cried. My parents are a live and I'm talking to them. "We don't have much time," my father began. "but we want to you to have this just in case we don't win. I only say that because you're in here and the action is out there." He motioned towards the window. The smoke began to came back and engine them but I'll never forget what they said. "We love you and we'll see you when this is all over." After they disappear I rushed downstairs and outside to find Sage talking to Isabella, Willow, and Abby. "Look I'm not going back inside and from the looks of it you need all the help you can get because you clearly didn't find anyone. So came with me you three stay out here in case Josefina makes a run for it. Sage and I will go inside." They all nodded as I headed inside. I went back it the room and started talking. "Hose finally I'm here and I'm not scared. I've completed my training so I'm also not unprepared." Josefina appeared in front of me. "Well, well, well, look who's found a voice. To bad that if you don't surrender I'll find mommy and daddy and kill them for good this time" this took me off a guard for a moment. But a moment was she needed to pick me up, slam me against the wall, and start choking me. Luckily for me I saw Sage send her with a knife and I also knew how to get her off of me. While she was talking I was concentrating my energy into getting out of her hold. I qas ready to give up but them a flash of light appeared between us and she was pushed back Sage plunging the knife into her back as she stumbled. Her lifeless body lay in the floor and then turned into ashes. I smiled but blacked out having used all of my energy trying to get out of Josefina's grasp.
I woke up and my biological parents were sitting on my bed. I sat up and hugged them the three eof us crying. My father broke the chain of sobs first. "This truly is a happy ending.

Eight years later

I was nervous. The doors were about to open and I was about to walk down the isle. My twin daughters who looked so much like their father were sitting on the end of my dress. My mother walked in taking my two year olds to go sit in the front pew while my father came in to walk me out. "You look beautiful." I blushed. "I know it's nerve racking but I couldn't be leaving you in safer hands." My blush just deepened and my father just smiled. The doors opened and the music started to play. I walked down it seemed like it was taking forever. We finally reached the altar and my father kissed my head. I stood across from Sage and we locked eyes. We stayed like that until it was time to say our vows and I dos. He put the ring on my finger and before I knew it we were pronounced man and wife. He leaned in for a kiss and I'm sure it lasted longer than what was expected. "Well I guess we did it we got married and have a happy family of four." I giggled. "Actually babe it's a family of five." He smiled. "Even better."

Wow guys that's the end. What did you think? Let me know in the comments. Also ltell me if I should make a sequel. I love you guys and I unfortunately will be gone after this for awhile seeing as I'm grounded and pushing the limits updating this. Don't worry though I have a few ideas for a new book and the first chapter will be out as soon as I'm ungrounded. I love you guys so much and can't thank you enough for reading an ameture book by an inexperienced eighth grade author. It really means the world to me. Anyway like I said I love you guys. Don't forget to leave that vote and comment.
Until next time.

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