Chapter 10

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"Good morning!" Dara greeted smiling to the guards, her eyes shining because she is obviously happy. It is a great morning for her. The employees started to look at her as if she's possessed by something. They never saw the lady that happy.

She was doing Jiyong's milk wearing her best smile when the elevator opened revealing Jiyong with his guards tailing him as the usual.

She entered in with a cup of milk on her hands. Jiyong sat at his chair furrowing his brows looking at her as his attention was caught by her teasing smile and he's having a hard time not to smile back at her. This is the first time that she smiled like that and his heart is not skipping a beat as he witnesses it. He diverts his gaze at his laptop because he might fall to her smile and just lose his control.

Dara reads his schedule but he just can't understand it, he's being blinded by Dara's smile, it is indeed beautiful he thought while looking at her once again. He can't help it, she's too adorable. It will be his loss if he won't look at it.

Dara grinned remembering everything that she overheard last night.

"J-Jiyong?" Dara asked whispering as she stares at the guy standing next to her unit.

"Boss.." she heard one of his guards' call.

"How's the inside?" Jiyong asked peeking a little bit.

"It's done Sir, pieces of furniture are already delivered last night and were just updating some few things but it will already be finished within 15 minutes"

"Great. I'll move tomorrow night here an"

"Yes Sir, your passcode is her Birthday" Dara gasp silently upon hearing what the guy just said and yes, she is assuming that what he was saying is her Birthday, that Jiyong's passcode is her Birthday. She closed her door silently before jumping out of joy, she can feel the excitement all over her body and she's too pleased about what she had heard.

"Sir, can I left Moonshot early today?" Dara asked still smiling at him.

Jiyong remained looking at her intently while trying to figure out what's behind her smile.

"S-sir?" Dara called again that made him blink his eyes.

"Ahh?" He asked looking so lost.

Dara giggled.

"I just have a very special event to attend tonight, can I leave early?" she asked. Actually, she's planning to give him a warm welcome because she's pretty sure that Jiyong will be surprised and she just can't help but to feel happy about him living at her next door.

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