Chapter:6 Little Kid? No.

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I woke up and saw that Maddy's leg was on my waist. I tried to push it off but it was hard. After a lot of struggle i finally got rid of it. But by then she woke up. I got out of the bed and got a slap on my butt from Maddy. Then I heard her mumble" Bouncy ass". I rolled my eyes and went to shower. After i showered i got ready. I wore a tight grey crop top with keys printed on it and blue jeans. Then wore black snickers. I didn't have work today.

I woke Kendall up and she went to shower. I went downstairs to the kitchen and started taking out the ingredients to make cookies. Kendall's parents are away on a business trip and mostly stays busy on their work.

When i was mixing the ingredients I saw Kendall's younger brother who was ten years old coming downstairs. He is a cute little guy with dimples. Very shy and doesn't talk to anyone. He is only free with Kendall. His name is Ace.

I muttered to Ace a hi and he just nodded. Kendall says he is not very matured. Can't handle seeing explicit scene. Always gets irritated on the word love. That is why Kendall is protective of him and wants to protect his innocence. Kendall never deny's any thing her brother demands.

I saw him watching a video. Suddenly, I heard moans and groans coming out of the phone of Ace. I peeked furtively and saw Ace watching porn. I gasped and said "Ace, you are watching porn."

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Nora." He muttered with a bored expression.

". Don't you think you are still very young to watch this video? Does Kendall knows about it? You didn't even hit puberty." I said.

"No is the answer to both of your question and I mentally hit puberty. Kendall doesn't need to know. She thinks I m very innocent because of the way I act in front of everyone. This way I can earn a lot of things from her. Even if you tell her that I watched porn she won't believe it. You can try it if you want." He said. Cunning boy.

I sighed. Kids these days.

Kendall came downstairs wearing a blue simple sundress. She rushed to Ace and hugged him. Ace turned on the TV and titanic explicit scene was showing. Then Ace started screaming, covering his eyes. He looked like a professional child actor. Kendall calmed his brother. Gave him chocolate and money to buy a new game and then sent him to school. Before Ace went he playfully winked at me and I just rolled my eyes. He is a little kid? No.

Kendall is such a fool!

I then asked her, "Why do you have to give him chocolate and money?"

Kendall said," Because I don't want his mind to get corrupted at a young age. I want him to stick to chocolate and video games. At least until he turns fifteen and no offence but I don't want him to be like your sister who became a whore at a young age."

"None taken, because its true.Well, what if he is already corrupted and just fooling you?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

" I know my brother. He would never do that and he is sacred. I trust him a lot." She said. I sighed.

Blind trust. One day when she will face the truth of Ace it will be like a slap on her face.

We finished baking the cookies. Sapphire and Maddy came downstairs and we ate breakfast and gossiped about different topic. Maddy's boxing match was coming near. She is the only girl in the club and fights against the boys. And trust when I say this, she is better than the boys. Kendall and Sapphire is not sporty but i sometime do car racing. Car racing in our town is very famous among young lads. Whenever there is a car racing competition every young people attends it. Mostly are audience. Only few participates. I sometimes raced against other girls from different school and sometimes won and just lost once. Car racing reminds me of Shay. He is the best racer in town. Never lost a single match. He is also in our school football team. He is the captain. Our school's football team is very popular because they perform very well. Though they have shitty personalities but their atheletic skills deserves appreciation.

After breakfast we went to school. I haven't seen Shay. Maybe he didn't came. Nothing new. Like a bad boy he again ditched school. Suave didn't came. His story was different. He said he had appointment with a doctor and will be resting the whole day at his house and clearly refused to meet Kendall. Something was not right. So Kendall and I decided to give him the cookies we made for him, at his house and surprise him.

We met Marcus and he didn't seem bad. Just a bit cheesy towards Sapphire. Four periods went away smoothly and break time arrived.

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