Chapter :16 Fight for respect, Fight for life

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We reached to the underground boxing ring. Maddy was not in a mood to fight. She was distracted, only thinking about Sapphire's condition. Kendall and I tried to encourage her but nothing was working out. That day was a big fight. It was the last match before summer starts. But we were unaware of the fact that the fight was more bigger than our imagination. Much more worse.

We went to Maddy's green room. She warmed up a bit.

"Maddy" I placed my palm in her shoulder to get her attention which keeps on getting diverted. " Maddy no matter what you have to win this fight. Not just for you, but also for Sapphire. We don't want her to be sad after she wakes up and hears that you lost." I said in a soft tone. Maddy nodded with a tiny smile and hugged me. I hugged her back and soon Kendall joined too. Maddy wore her robe. After a few seconds her name was announced. She went to the boxing ring. We went outside to join the crowd.

Suddenly I saw Aron running towards us with a look of worry.

"God, you guys won't believe what is going to happen." Aron said panting heavily. Kendall and I shared a confused look. "Do you guys have any idea who is going against Maddy? Its not a girl, its a boy. That person is none other than" The Beast"."

"What?" Kendall and I yelled in union. " This not fair. That's against the rules. girls fight with girls. Not a boy. That too with a bulky guy. That's absurd. Did Maddy knew about this before?" I said.

"No, it was a last minute decision. The owner of this boxing tournament wants to show that girls are weak and they should not be boxing anymore. So, to prove that Beast is going to fight with Maddy. The whole future of girl boxing is depending on Maddy. If Maddy losses, not only girls boxing match ends forever but also all the girl boxers will lose their respect. " Aron said, fear showing in his face.

"Maddy can't even back out now. She is already in the ring." Kendall said in a shaky tone.

Its the rule of the game. Once you are inside the ring you can't back out. You have to fight. No matter what. I didn't have any idea what's going to happen. Already one of our friend was in the hospital in the verge of dying. We don't want another one to end up in hospital.

Maddy was worshiped by all the female boxers. Through a lot of of hard work and dedication Maddy has gained that image and respect. It would be a huge blow on her ego if she losses. Maddy has fought against boys before. But that was not a professional fight in a boxing ring. Just to save someone or catching a thief. But the thing that was going to happen, Beast against Maddy, its a big deal. Even strong boys were never able to beat Beast.

When Maddy was worshiped by girls, Beast was worshiped by boys. He is very handsome, deadly sexy and has bulky attractive body with defined eight packs. No one knew his real name. He was the other name of danger. Mercy, sympathy, humanity and love were not his choice of words. He had extreme anger issuses and was very arrogant. He was always silent. We never hard a proper sentence from him. All we heard was growling, screaming and swear words. He only had one expression "Blank".

Only god knew what would happen in that boxing ring. All we could do was pray.

Third person's POV :

Maddy was initially shocked when she saw Beast emerged towards the boxing ring. It felt like death was coming near her. There was something about Beast that sent thrill down her spine. Maybe it was his attractive looks or the dangerous aura he carries.

Just a while ago she came to know about everything. But till now she didn't knew she was going against Beast. Her boss didn't have a say in it. Not that he was willing to say anything because he was getting enough money if Maddy losses. Things money do to people. The man Maddy worked for two years just like a joke pushed Maddy to face the death. No sympathy. But she was not going to cower. She will fight and stand on her ground, for her respect, for all the female boxers all around the world. People loves female boxing. No doubt. She wins or not but she would be standing with a proud face at the end of the game.

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