Chapter : 12 Questions Answered.

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Shay and I were in a park eating ice cream. He already told me about his past which explains his bad boy issue and how he had fallen for me. ( I didn't repeat the past story because it is already written in chapter: 10).

"Well, then is it a rumour that you wanted to sleep with Kendall?" I asked.

"It is. I know why you are asking. That day I wouldn't have punched Maddy. I was just trying to scare her. She always gets on my nerves. I would never hit a girl. I would have just walked away but before I could Kendall told me to go. So, it seemed like I listened to her because I wanted to get in her pants." Shay explained.

"Shay are you seriously trying to improve yourself?" I asked .

"Yes, Je. I don't know if I will ever get out from this rumour trap but as long as you have no doubts and believe in me I am happy." Shay said with a small smile and hold my hand. I squeezed his hand and smiled back. Then we finished our ice- cream and hopped in the car to go home. Now, everything was fine. I would go with the flow and concentrate on the relationship building between me and Shay.

Soon we reached my house.

"Shay, tomorrow we are giving Aron a welcome party at a club. You should come. Meet my friends, and make them friends. Have some fun." I suggested.

"Cool. I can spend time with you." Shay said and winked.

I chuckled and waved him good bye. I hopped out of the car not before Shay gave me a peck on my lips. I blushed and got inside the house. No more questions, no more answers. Only Shay.

When I entered the house I saw Aron eating brownie sitting on a chair. There was luggages and boxes laying on the living room floor. I raised an eyebrow towards Aron asking what the hell was happening. He just shrugged. Then I saw my parents, Sugar, surprisingly Suave and his parents coming downstairs. I rushed towards Aron and he immediately hold my hand to make me feel safe. He understood that I was nervous.

I saw both the parents were tired and worried. After that night when Sugar got caught by our parents I didn't saw them.

I looked at my father and saw that he suddenly looked very old. Older than his age. My mother looked broken and fragile. I felt sorry for them. I was sad to see them like that. I wanted their loving and tension free face back.

"Aron and Nora we need to tell you something." My dad said.
Aron and I looked at each other and prepared ourselves for a shocking news.

"Sugar is pregnant. Suave is the father of the baby." Papa said which shocked me and Aron. Pregnant? Seriously! God, what a mess.

"We are sending them to California tomorrow." Papa said. Then Suave and his parents bid good bye and left. My parents returned to their room. Aron and I felt like we should talk to Sugar after all she was our sister no matter what. I freshened up. Then Aron and I knocked Sugar's door. She opened and smiled after she saw us and invited us in the room. Aron leaned against the wall and I sat at the corner of the bed.

"Do you want to talk about it Sugar?" I said softly.

Sugar started crying silently. I felt bad for her. But I was helpless. Couldn't do anything to help my sister.

"Sugar, you can tell us about your feelings. We are siblings after all." Aron assured her.

"I am three months pregnant with Suave's child. I found it two month's ago. I didn't tell mom and dad because I was afraid. I didn't want to abort the baby. How can someone just kill an innocent baby? That night when I got caught I told them everything. Then dad talked with Suave's dad. They decided to send us to California. Suave's parents have a mansion over there. I will be home schooled till my baby is born. Suave gonna attend school and also work to provide our child. They refused to help us financially after I turn eighteen. We will be watched all the time and surrounded by heavy security. No parties, drinks, entertainment, outing and sex. This is our punishment. But Suave and I are glad we got this punishment. This will mend us. It is good for our future and the baby. We have to be responsible. I don't wanna be a slut anymore. I feel disgusted now. I realized my mistake. I want to correct them. I hope I will be a good mother and a better human being." Sugar finished.

"Sugar, its good that you realized your mistakes. Its good. I am sure you will be a good mother." I assured her.

"Ya. You can call us when you need help." Aron added.

"Our phones are seized but you can call in the landline number." Sugar said. We nodded and then hugged Sugar. Then we went to sleep.

Next morning arrived. Sugar was already in the car.

"Take care of her and the baby that's soon arriving." I said to Suave and he nodded and then left.

I hugged my papa. I assured him that I will never be like this. He said he knows. He trusts me more that he trusts himself.

I just hope that things gets better for Sugar and Suave. I want them to be a better person in the future and be amazing parents.

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