Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I couldn't sleep.

I kept turning this way and that with my eyes wide open. When I'd close them all I could think about was most of the people at this school turning into wolves, who attacked me, and most importantly, who saved me.

Surely they weren't normal wolves that stopped that other one from killing me? And what about that lone wolf? Was that a werewolf or a normal wolf?

I groaned kind of wishing that Hailey wasn't still at the hospital, I could have gone to her dorm and that might've helped me sleep.

And if it wasn't for that weird dream thing I had when I had fainted I could have called Tila...

I covered my mouth with one of my pillows and screamed.

"Why can't I sleep?" I shouted into my pillow.

Groaning I checked the time on my phone and gulped when it said three am. I'd been awake in bed for six hours?!

Groaning I threw my pillow against the wall. School started in pretty much five hours and I had no sleep save for the two hours I had apparently spent passed out but I really don't count that.

Ugh, I was so screwed!

Then I had an idea, and I blame what I did on lack of sleep...

I got up out of bed, grabbed my phone and dorm keys and left. The door clicked behind me as I walked down the stairs and snuck out of the girl dorm, groaning when I realised I wasn't wearing shoes.

Being the lazy person I am though, I didn't go back up to get any so I just continued on with my stupid idea. I walked to the side of the main school building that happened to be near the teacher's rooms. Not the brightest idea...

I kept walking until I saw a bench against the back of the teacher's rooms near a bunch of trees and shrubs. I lay down on the bench and looked up at the stars closing my eyes.

See, in Australia, whenever I couldn't sleep, I'd always go to the hammock in our backyard and lay there, the woodsy scent of the trees and dirt used to calm me down as well as the soft wind that would blow through my hair and slightly rock the hammock. It would always make me drowsy and right when I was about to fall into a deep slumber I would walk back to my room with my eyes closed so the drowsiness wouldn't go away. Or I would just sleep there and wake up either in my room or wrapped tightly in a blanket on the hammock.

I knew I couldn't stay here so I decided when I got super sleepy I would drag myself back to my dorm room.

I just had to make sure I didn't fall...asleep...

"What are you doing here Sam?" A voice asked making me stir in my sleep. "Sam?"

I groaned before turning around to face the other way, I was tired. Why wouldn't they let me sleep?

I heard them sigh before slipping an arm under my knees and back lifting me up bridal style before they started walking. I stirred against their chest, trying to get more comfortable I buried my face against the hollow of their neck and entwining my fingers together behind their neck. I sighed in content before sleep took over again.

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