Chapter 26

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A/N: It's a filler.

I've wanted them to be together for a while now ;)




Chapter 26

I honestly couldn't wait until the Halloween party. My costume was set and I had decided on everything; my hair and makeup.

Hailey had called my last night asking if the rumours were true, apparently everyone knew about me being Nathan's date to the Halloween party, even though he had asked -well told- me in the library a couple days ago.

Not only that but now were ever I went girls would ask me questions about Nathan. The 'popular' people whom I didn't even know knew I existed would act like they've been pals with me for years and guys now thought I was some hot babe, all of them trying to sit next to me in classes, flirt with me, sit with me at lunch and all that stuff proving my suspicions about how boys are like spoilt little kids to be true; they wanted something someone else had until it got old.

It was kind of annoying really, other girls may have thought it to be awesome but it was seriously tiring!

Not to sound up myself or anything but back in Australia everyone knew me, it sucked! You had so many expectations to live up to, so much gossip about you everywhere you went; now it was like that here!

And I wasn't even officially dating Nathan... Although I sort of wished I was, lately he had been so sweet, waiting outside all of my classes to walk me to my next, buying my food, texting me and calling me pretty much all the time after school and during classes. It was cute! Even you have to admit how sweet he was when he wasn't being a jerk.

Although there were times when he'd get mad... very mad.

Like when guys would flirt with me when I walked into the classroom after Nathan had walked me there, it was so hard to restrain him from punching the guys.

I told Hailey this.

"You're such and idiot Sam."

"What? No I'm not!"

"I thought you would knew before all the guys staring at you but just ignored them."

"I seriously didn't notice..."

"You're so naïve Sam, how do you not notice there's at least one in each of your classes?"

"I don't know! I just thought they looked at me half the time because I did something weird or because I'm new..."

"Oh... right, they check your ass when you do something weird! I totally forgot that... silly me." She said sarcastically.

"Shut up Hailey!"

"Hey! I'm just being honest here."

"Go be honest with Alex." I said casually through the telephone when inside I was giggling like a little girl.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you and Alex have a thing Hailey! It's so obvious you like him!"

"No I don't!" She denied.

"Ok, then explain to me why you haven't been at school and instead you're never leaving Alex?"

"Because...Um...I'm his friend."

"But you want to be more than a friend." I teased a devious plan forming in my head.

"Shut up! I do not!"

"Admit it! You have the hots for Alex!" I shouted back texting Alex while still in call.

"No I don't!"

"Admit it!"

"I don't!"

"" I said slowly to annoy her.


"You do! You like Alex! You like Alex! You like Alex! You like Alex! You like Alex!" I said in a sing-song voice smirking when Alex replied back.

"I do not! Shut up!"

"Admit you like him and I will." I smiled.

"Fine!" She shouted. "I do!"

"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that..."

"I like Alex ok! A lot!" She shouted back. "But what's the point? It's not like he likes me back..."

"I wouldn't be so sure..." Alex said.

I smiled "My work here is done." I said before hanging up.

Oh the wonders of in call texting.

I loved being a match maker...

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