Chapter 19

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It's the weekend of the party and I was helping Mom get things ready. The whole of Nashville must be coming to this party by the sound of it. I was making cookies with Ev whilst Mom was wrestling with a tired Maya.
"Oh yeah, I think Karlie's coming over again. She's brought the twins with her, can you get to the airport for one to collect them?"
"Yeah, sure. No Ev, you don't eat raw cookie! They have to cook first!"
"It tastes nice," She says before dragging her step over to the sink so she could wash her hands.
"Morning," A tired Ed comes downstairs.
"Daddy!" Maya and Ev chorus and run up to him.
"Part of me thinks Daddy has a poorly head," Mom starts, smirking. "Go and get the Advil for Daddy Ev,"
"Don't stay out till 3 in the morning, we don't want your liver to deteriorate," I laugh as I clean up more mess.
"Let us in!" Abi bangs on the front door and I go to open it. Abi, Matt and Shawn had been sent our shopping and were returning with more food than me and Mom had already brought.
"Abi, Soph's asleep upstairs!"
"Thanks Tay," She smiles, lugging in the shopping.
"Human being who can carry me on their back please help me put up the lanterns?" I ask.
"I would but popping out children weakens your back loads," Mom lies; "Shawn may this be your duty,"
"Kill me now," He says as I gather the jar lanterns and walk outside.
I hop onto his back and we walk over to the huge trees in the front garden.
"Here babe?"
"Yeah," I hang the first one. We continue round until we've hung all 25. Since the fairy lights inside activate in darkness we leave it there and I slide off Shawn's back.
"They look awesome," Shawn pulls me into him and the cold air blows over us.
He plants his lips on mine softly and I reach for his neck as he kisses my lips once more. He pecks my forehead and we walk back inside together.
"I'm going to collect Karlie, sorry there's no room! Too many children,"
I head to the airport and head to the terminal Karlie had text me. I see them eventually, Karlie holding two carriers and Josh with two suitcases.
"You bounced straight back then," They laugh and I help Karlie by carrying Summer in the carrier, both of them were sleeping soundly.
"Well you gotta love some Nashville," Josh jokes as we walk to the car. We squish in and Karlie sits in between the babies and I Instagram a picture. I caption it; "Mommy Karlie❤️" She was looking down on Finn at the time and didn't realise I took it.
We get back and Karlie looks at the lanterns, "They're so cute," She remarks and I thank her as we carry everything inside. Finn starts to cry and Karlie scoops him out the carrier.
"Fed up of that baby boy?" She tickles underneath his chin as I carry the two carriers inside.
"Where's my godson?" Mom asks as Karlie walks in. I swear my Mom is the godmother of all godmothers. That woman has about 7 of them.
"Here Finn, it's Auntie Taylor." Mom holds the little boy.
We all catch up and Mom ends putting up a picture on Instagram with Mom, Abi and Karlie captioned; "All our big girls💕😂" Karlie carried Summer on her hip as did Abi with 2 year old April (forgot she got pregnant in the first book) and then Mom had me scooped up and was in the process of kissing me on the forehead when Ed took the photo.
I go home and get changed and by the time I arrive my grandparents have come too. The smell of Gran's mulled wine floats round as the sound of Frozen comes from the lounge where Summer, Finn, Sophie, April, Ev and Maya sit contently. The house fills up and it gets late so I take all the kids upstairs to put to bed.
I tuck Ev into to bed and do the same to April who was lying on the pull out bed. I take Maya to her room and put her and Soph to sleep there. I walk into the guest room and put Finn and Summer in their travel cots. I head back downstairs and see Shawn talking to Josh and try to find T. When I find her she hugs me and we talk about everything. It gets so late and some people leave so I take T to the back lounge which had been locked. We grabbed duvets and settled there under mountains of cushions.
I wake up to the scent of cinnamon cookies and scented candles with the crying of children in the mix too.
I'd got some clothes from my old room for last night so me and T both had pyjamas. We venture out the room and into the kitchen.
"Arri! Come hold your godchild!" Karlie calls and I pick up Summer who was crying about nothing in particular.
Abi and Mom were sat on the couch moaning about their headaches. Hungover parents is not a good thing to hear.
"Are you on water?" I ask and they nod.
"Who thought they'd ever see Taylor Swift hungover?" T says and me and Karlie laugh. Karlie had wanted to stay sober because of the twins.
"Where's the Advil?" Matt appears, rubbing his head slightly.
"On the side," Karlie tells him.
"My liver has actually disappeared and moved on," He states as Ed walks in, holding Maya.
"Yeah, babe you're so looking after the kids today." Mom sighs as she gulps down water like there's no tomorrow.
"This is day 2, it's your duty."
"Mommy poorly?"
"Yeah baby girl, Mommy's got the bad headache Daddy had yesterday." Ed smirks at Mom.
"Looks like Daddy's passed it on to Mommy and me Maya," Abi tells her and I laugh.
"Kids! Who wants a day with Arri?!" Ed asks.
"Yeah!" They chorus and I silently curse Ed.
"What, a couple days ago I was hardly trusted with Maya, now 6? Crap, that's a lot."
"Take em back to yours, put on Christmas movies and look after your hungover boyfriend. Feed them. Bake some cookies get them to decorate them. Put on another movie. They fall asleep. We collect them at 9." Matt instructs as Shawn enters.
"Where's the Advil? I'm going to die,"
"Awe A, I thought you'd have a poorly boyfriend," Karlie teases; "I'll go sort out some milk for the twins,"
"You can't be serious?"
"We're gonna have 6 kids in the house too,"
"Oh, let's hope they're as hungover as me," Thanks everyone, thanks a lot.

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