Chapter 9

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"Nothing, she did nothing Shawn. I swear,"
"Arabella Swift I bloody hate you," I see T burst through the door and I bite my lip.
"I don't care what you see in movies but locking two people in a house together does not make them solve their issues,"
"Issues! That's what you're calling them?!" Peyton enters too.
"You promise me she didn't do anything?" Shawn asks, holding my hands as Erin death stares me.
"She did nothing and Mom is chasing me. I've got to go!" I lean up, peck his lips and walk out with T, Corey and Peyton.
I make it to Mom's and walk in and collapse on the sofa.
"Alright A?" Ed walks in and I shake my head.
"It's 3pm and I'm slowly dying." I admit and he laughs and shakes his head.
"I'm going to pick up Ev, I'll see you in a bit lovely," With that he's gone and I hear Mom pad down the stairs of the Nashville town house.
"Hey baby girl, how you doing?" She holds Maya who begins to kick her so she puts her down in the play pen. At this point she's toddling around on her feet in it, falling over occasionally and laughing about it.
"T and Peyton have had an argument,"
"You're kidding me,"
"Nope, so me and Cor tried the lock them in a house together but that failed oh and then Shawn's ex turned up in Starbucks and 5 minutes later Shawn was there suspecting she'd punched me in the face or some shit like that,"
"Typical day in the life of a Swift,"
"Mrs Swizzle Shizzle!" I hear Abi say as she enters, her newborn- Sophie, sleeping in the carrier.
"Hey Abs," Mom hugs Abi as I stay laid on the couch.
"A, honey you're 18. Why you lying on a couch?" Abi asks and Mom takes her goddaughter from her best friend.
"Because I can and I should probably be doing some work, but you know- last minute's much more my type." I reply and Abi nods.
"A, sweetheart, I'm all out of food if that's what you came for," Mom pokes her head round the door to the kitchen.
"Dang it! That's my excuse for you to take me out for food," I tell her and she shakes her head.
"Give this to your sister," She passes me the bottle of milk which I give to Maya after picking her up and sitting  her in my lap.
"Who's up for going out to grab some food?" Abi suggests and me and Mom nod.
"Who fancies a game of cart wars in the grocery store?"
"Ingenious," I reply to both women's ideas.
The rest of the day goes by quickly and soon I'm back at home. I begin to pack away everything we got at the grocery store when I hear the door open.
"Hey babe," Shawn walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist.
"Hi," I sigh, feeling like falling asleep already.
I can feel him turn me around and come closer so we're only centimetres apart. His lips land on mine in a swift yet soft action as I kiss him back, hanging on to his neck. He comes away slightly; "I love you gorgeous, so much."
"I love you too," I reply and he holds me against him for quite some time and I eventually feel my eyes flicker so I head to bed and Shawn comes in too.
"You didn't want to go out tonight?" I question as he slides into the bed and wraps his arms around me.
"No, you're the most important thing here,"
I awake the following morning and climb out of bed and grab my glasses, I make us drinks and head to wake Shawn up.
I spend majority of the day in the studio recording literally the last three songs for the album and we organise more tour dates for next year that include playing all over the world and then home and packing because tomorrow I'm on the move to New York for three months.
"Do you have to go tomorrow?" Shawn asks as he enters our bedroom.
"Yes, but don't you dare mess this place up. And if you and your friends have some party I do not want anyone sleeping with anyone else in this bed," I say and he laughs.
"You're like my Mom,"
"She phoned earlier by the way,"
"To say,"
"Ask how you were,"
"Who's staying with you in NYC?" Shawn changes the subject.
"I'm in Mom's old apartment and Karlie is in the same block so I'll steal her food, she's already invited me for nights out,"
"I love how your Mom's friends party with you too,"
"At least I can dance better than her," The door goes and I head to get it, and guess who. Cara.
"Cara?" I ask, questioning her surprise attendance.
"Alright chum!"
"Why are you here?"
"Your Mom's gonna be here in five and I fancy a tour of this snazzy place thank you very much." None of Mom's friends have been here. Great.
"How many of you are there?"
"Well, Karlie is over here until tomorrow and she's travelling back with you, Gigi is here, Martha's come round, Camila, Ellie and your Mom and your sisters."
"Well, the lounge is down there and I'll put the kettle on." I tell her and she nods.
"Where's the hot ass?"
"In our room, I think."
"A? Who's here?"
"My Mom's invited herself round, with an entourage."
"Okay, I have got to get something done in the studio. Bye babe," He runs out the hose and Cara pulls a face.
"Jesus Christ, can we just see that again?"
"Weirdo," I sigh and put the kettle on. "Can you let the others up?"
"Sure thing,"
"Where's the hot boyfriend!" Gigi practically yells with Ev on her back.
"At the studio,"
"Ha! I got to see it!"
"No fair," Martha sulks and I laugh.
"I apologise for his mess," I say as I fill up Maya's cup for Mom.
"Guys! Let's go look round," Camila drags them all through my house.
"Thanks, thanks a lot." I say and they shrug as I reach the lounge.
"This place is nice," Ellie compliments the apartment and I smile.
We get half way through conversations when Mom stops chatting and turns a pale colour.
"We need to get Maya to the hospital," Her words are sharp yet hardly audible and she scoops her off the floor where she was wheezing and choking and runs out the house.
"Where's Mommy gone?" Ev asks as she sits in Karlie's lap.
"Mommy's gone to go and get Maya better," Gigi tells her and I see that, despite its incredibly cute, my sister is very angry.
"That's not fair! Mommy never help me!" She squirms out of Karlie's arms and slumps in the floor.
"Ev, Maya's your sister-"
"I don't care! Leave me alone!" She shouts and runs to mine and Shawn's room. I enter to see her looking at my suitcase.
"You going?" She's now more quiet than before and I nod.
"But not for very lo-"
"See! Everyone leaves me! No one cares!" She yells with tears streaming down her innocent face.
"Ev, you know when you watch me on TV-"
"I don't care! You're leaving me! You don't want to be my sister!" Hearing those words absolutely rips me in half. I bite my lip and hold it in, but that never lasts long. I get up and turn around to be met with Martha's arms in a hug as I cry on to her shoulder.
"Evelyn, Auntie Cara won't play princesses unless you come and apologise to your sister. What if Daddy hears about this too?" Cara attempts bribery as I hear the door open, Ed's here.
"What the bloody hell? A, why are you crying? Why are we crowding outside Arri's bedroom?"
"Well, I'm gonna go see how Tay and Maya are," Camila and Ellie begin to walk out the door.
"Tell Taylor I'll be over there in a second,"
"Karlie, what's happened?"
"Evelyn's happened, she thinks no one cares and that Arri's going and denied her being her sister,"
"Evelyn," Ed's voice is stern and almost cold as Gigi and I head to clear up in the lounge.
Ed's POV:
I watch my goddaughter walk into another room as my oldest daughter has tears also streaming down her face.
"Don't you ever, ever tell Arri she's not your sister. Who looks after you for me and Mommy if we can't?"
"Who helps you to do different things?"
"Who are your sisters?"
"Arri and Maya,"
"Now go and say goodbye to Arri and your Aunts and we'll go and see Maya,"
I say one last goodbye to A with Ev who didn't want to come to the hospital and leave her with Cara, Gigi and Karlie. How dramatic can this family get?

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