Chapter 10

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Jimin's Pov

"Not this again, Yoongi won't pick his phone up again!!!" I shouted, throwing my phone to Taehyung's bed.

 "What happened this time, hyung?"Taehyung asked while getting out from the bathroom with a towel wrap around his neck, having a worrying-expression on his face.

"Yoongi, won't pick up his calls, again." I pouted and suddenly feeling hungry. 

"And I'm hungry!!" I shouted, throwing my arms up and feeling frustrating while lazily laying down the bed. 

"Hyung, what do you want to eat, Hoseok and I will get it for you?" Taehyung asked while putting his gray hoodie on. I suddenly craving for watermelons and fried chicken.

"I want watermelons and some fried chickens."I cutely blinking my eyes to Taehyung. He let out a sigh.

 "Alright Hyung, stay here while I get your food," Taehyung said, grabbing his keys and calling Hoseok on his phone while at the door. 

"I love you, Taehyungie!~" I sang while rubbing my stomach. I sat up to get my phone from Taehyung's bed and look if Yoongi had to text me back. 

"It's only 8:45 and he's not he sleeping? No, It's very early-" My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. 

"Who is there?" I muttered out to the door. Suddenly, I feel a vibrate on my phone. I finally got a text back from Yoongi.

From: Yoongi❤️

It's me. Open the door.

My eyes went shot wide and quickly ran the door. Once, I open the door, I saw him standing there. Is it he really here?

 "Y-Yoongi?" I stuttered. He nodded and smiled while opening his arm wide signal for a hug. I hugged him like there's no tomorrow. I heard him chuckled and I feel tears are forming in eyes. 

"I-I miss you so much!!" I said while he hugged me tighter and kisses the top of my head.

"I miss you too," he replied.

"Alright, won't you let me in your dorm?" He asked and I giggled at his comment. 

"Sure, hyung," I replied, letting go of his embrace. I quickly went to my bed and laid down while Yoongi closing the door behind him. Yoongi smiled. 

"Tired?" He asked and I nodded.

 "And hungry," I added.

 "Jeez, this pregnancy is making you lazy huh?" He asked and I nodded. He laid next to me and put his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. 

"I miss your smell," I said and he laughed.

 "Wait...Jiminie, may I see my child please." He asked rubbing my stomach in circles and it's made me blushed. 

"Well, Technically it's only 12 weeks old..."I replied.

 "Really?" He asked and I nodded. 

"Yup," I answered.

 "Have you eaten?" he asked and shook my head.

 "Not yet, Taehyung and Hoseok are getting me food," I replied.

"Oh really?"He asked and I hummed as an answer. I was feeling sleepy because it's Yoongi's chest~ I close my eyes and drift to dreamland.

Yoongi's Pov

"Do you know when they're coming back-" I was interrupted by Jimin's soft breathing. 

"Oh, he's asleep." I thought and smiled.

 "I guess he's very comfortable in here, huh?"I whispered and smiled. 

"I'm sleepy too," I wondered and drift to dreamland as well.

Taehyung's Pov

"I'm back with the food-"Yoongi?"I asked myself while seeing the two sleeping together. I smiled myself.

 "Babe, I'm back...Has Jimin started eating yet-" 

"shh" I hushed my boyfriend and I point the two people sleeping together. Hoseok made an 'o' on his mouth and his eyes widen. 

"Y-Yoongi is here? How?" Hoseok whispered and I shook my head. 

"I don't know hyung," I whispered back.

"But, hyung let's eat later and I'm getting sleepy," I said. Hoseok nodded and laid down on my bed, letting his right arm straightened out for me. I laid down next to my boyfriend and drift to dreamland as well.

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